The President of Georgia opened a rehabilitated profession college in Ozurgeti


The President of Georgia opened a profession college “Horizon” in Ozurgeti with the Minister of Education and Science today. Mikheil Saakashvili toured the renovated college and spoke to the personnel while focusing on their future prospects.

“Sewing factories will be opened nearby – here, in Kobuleti, Batumi and other places, which means that there will be 2,000 jobs created in this sphere. Construction of 5 new hydro electric power plants is going to begin in Guria, which means we are going to need electricians too…the investments are flowing in and the most important thing is to have enough people” –noted Mikheil Saakashvili.

As the President stated, local tea production is successfully developing in Guria, new breeds of mandarins and corn have arrived and after drying out in the Kolkheti lowland. The territory must be filled with new breeds. According to the Head of State, the work in the direction of agriculture must continue intensively and the country needs qualified specialists for this.

The rehabilitated modern center was equipped with the newest inventory, technology, and labs; the instructors took retraining courses. Any person that desires to find a job within the region will be given the chance of learning a new profession and raising qualifications at the center. The students of the high standard profession college will have a chance to learn professions such as tractor driver, electrician, moving part technician, carpenter, computer networking and systems technician, accountant, forester, plant specialist, guide, thick felt specialist, tailor, cook, stylist, enamel specialist and others. The new college will be the main partner of Agrarian University in the region and all of the programs will be implemented together with the University.

The specialists at “Horizon” have been chosen based on the priorities of economic development of Guria and up to 500 students are currently registered at the college. Registration and a 1,000 GEL voucher distribution process is still going on.

75 % of all the profession college graduates countrywide have already been employed.