Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the population of Tsageri


My friends!

There are very lovely and hardworking people living here, who had not been paid due attention for years. 
I would like to talk about the current events. Opening of the hospitals is a wonderful opportunity for me to discuss the troubling issues.
You know that there still is a great poverty in Georgia, one part of Georgia is occupied by the enemy and this does not allow us to be joyful and happy, but I know as well that our country is moving forward.
We are currently opening 150 hospitals. 
We are starting our work from the summer of this year and by 2014-2015 every school in Georgia will be just like the ones in Switzerland, Japan, and the U.S. In a nutshell, our children will also have the best conditions for studying. 
Take a look at what kinds of roads are being built. 
I came here from the construction site of the Kutaisi detour road – this autobahn, will practically connect all of Georgia – it starts in Rustavi and will reach Batumi by the end of next year.
You have seen the agricultural programs being implemented; you have seen that constructions of new dams are being initiated. That is why, no matter what they say, our country is moving forward. 
Certainly there are people, who are not very excited about this. These are the people, who gather in various forms, sometimes under one’s flag and sometimes under the leadership of others, these are the same old faces – people who have doom and gloomed Georgia for years; the people, who have robbed Georgia for decades, not only in the 90s, but long before that; people who lived at the expense of the remaining poor. 
Of course, these people dislike reconstruction; these people do not like when we build hydro electric stations, as it was only them, who had electricity and power generators before, or only them who had it borrowed; it was only them who could live in heated and lighted houses.
These people do not like the construction of new schools, as only they could hire tutors for their children, only they could have private teachers at home and raise children with their help. 
For example, they do not like when we implement the English language and computer learning programs, as only they had computers and only their children had to speak English. 
They do not like opening of hospitals either, as there had been only a few facilities renovated in Georgia before and only they could go for treatment there, get diagnosis or go abroad for treatment. 
Only they had money and the means to afford this.
They do not like Georgian people in general.
The bulk of Georgian people still live in poverty. Because of this, they have new slogans: poor people should not come to politics. Apparently, you have the right to do politics, take part in elections and come to parliament only if you have stolen good money or obtained it through some suspicious means. 
They do not like the idea of moving the Parliament to Kutaisi, because everything was decided on one street of Tbilisi before.
They do not like the development of Tbilisi either, as it is not only the center of the capital that is developing today, but every suburb as well. 
There has not been so much simultaneous construction in Tbilisi for the past 8 centuries, as there has been during the past 5 years.  
The fact that the Parliament will move from Tbilisi to Kutaisi is a total disaster for them, as the regions of Georgia will also develop now. The reconstruction of Tskaltubo will soon begin.
This process will gradually spread and will encompass the whole perimeter of Kutaisi – the whole surrounding region.
Everything was very simple before – everyone lived on one street, only they had electricity, only that street had good roads and people were elected to parliament only from that street – hence, it was only the people of that street that had money. 
This is exactly the life that these bigheaded, slackers, corrupted burglars want to bring back.  
Yet they failed to consider one thing – no matter how much money they have, no matter what kind of tricks they resort to, no matter how many newspapers they buy and how many lies they spread, our people are very smart and they comprehend very well what is progress. 
No one wants to go back and when there is a choice between the past and the future, a person of any age, every single one of us will choose future, as we see progress, see perspective and that the future belongs to our children.
This is the main thing. The hospitals also serve this. 
We do not have oil and gas, but significantly richer countries cannot even do a tenth of this. This happens because we don’t let anyone steal in Georgia. 
There are people in the government of Georgia that come from poor families and have not obtained sums of money by being in the government. Some can hardly imagine being in the government and not making good money. 
We are building for everyone, every single one of you.
We are creating a new future for our children.
No amount of money can surpass the sense of dignity that is related to the reconstruction of our country and creation of new future for our own country.  
What wealth should be accumulated or how many houses should any of the Ministers build for it to surpass the 150 newly built modern hospitals in our country. 
Would it not be better to say: we have built several thousand kilometers of world class roads or three thousand new schools in Georgia?
Which country should one go to or what pleasure should one get, for it to surpass the best water supply systems across whole Georgia, the ongoing progress in the country, the newly built factories or the defeated poverty and unemployment?
We still have many problems and at the same time a great privilege, to fight all these problems and poverty together. 
We should not make living separately, or seek a solution in sidelining the poor and for the wealthy of one neighborhood, one street to agree on what should be in the country, but instead we should determine that our future lies in the tireless work of every Georgian, in the energy of every Georgian, in the perspective, future and spark of hope for every Georgian.