The President of Georgia toured the multi-profile hospital of Dusheti


The President of Georgia toured the rehabilitated multi-profile hospital of Dusheti, which was rehabilitated within the scope of the hospital sector development program. Mikheil Saakashvili visited the first patients of the clinic and spoke with the medical personnel. During Mikheil Saakashvili’s visit one more baby– Nino Bantsuri was born at the clinic by C-section. The President personally congratulated Eliso Aptsiauri on the birth of their fifth grandchild.

According to the President, opening new clinics does not only mean moving to new buildings – this envisions an essential change of the healthcare system and recreating it. As he stated, the population of Georgia will be served by 150 modern medical centers in the near future.

“We are now working to make hospitals affordable for everyone. We plan to make the healthcare and education systems the best across Europe. We especially focus attention on schools. It is my ambition to reach this by 2014-2015 within the scope of the 2015 modernization plan. This is a specific thing that is being done.” – stated the President of Georgia.

Later today, Mikheil Saakashvili decorated a Doctor of Medical Sciences, Full Professor, Irakli Tistsishvili for his contribution in the medical and pediatric spheres with the Presidential Order of Excellence.

“Mr. Irakli Tsitsishvili needs no introduction before the Georgian public. A large part of our society knows him very well and since childhood. I won’t hide that I am a member of that part because I was sick quite often and I would end up in his hands. I remember well that Mr. Irakli Tsitsishvili could look at a child and provide a diagnosis even without examining a child in detail. On behalf of every one of us, I would like to decorate a great Georgian figure, a medical doctor, savior of children, and a person who raised generations and a lifetime defender of our genes – Mr. Irakli Tsitsishvili with the Presidential Order of Excellence as an emphasis of our gratitude and for his contribution to our society.” – stated the President of Georgia.

A famous Georgian pediatrician thanked the President and wished the country to increase its demographic indicator.

“I have traveled around the entire country. I was in Dusheti 4 times per month in order to hold conferences, lecture and familiarize the medical staff with the latest medical discoveries and achievements. Most importantly, we took care of the entire population of Dusheti. This business was continued by our pediatric society. I remember the grandfather of Mr. Mikheil, who was the rector of our institute and leader of our medical faculty. I know his aunt and his entire family well. I would like to tell you that I have done a lot of good things throughout my life, but one of the things I would wish for is the growth of the population of Georgia. The youth has to wake up. 1.3% growth is nothing. It should be at least 2.5%. The number of Georgians should increase so that we get back to the numbers we had before the 90s. We should return Abkhazia and South Ossetia as well – we should show them our face and our success which is better than that of many others and they will come to us by themselves.” – noted Irakli Tsitsishvili.

Any patient living in the region will have a chance to get medical care at the new Dusheti clinic and the members of socially unprotected families will do so through insurance policies. The clinic has hospital, pre-hospital and ambulatory service as well as a maternity departments. The rehabilitated hospital is designed for 15 beds and employs up to 90 highly qualified medical personnel.

The insurance company “GPI Holding” implemented the reconstruction of a multi profile hospital of Dusheti as a result of a 1.6 million GEL investment.