The President of Georgia addressed the residents of Gardabani



Let me greet all of you!

Some politicians think that people are brought to such meetings on purpose by busses. It is a fact that I decided to come here one hour ago and each one of you is a local resident living in the buildings and houses nearby.

For me the most important achievement is the fact that nothing is happening in a compulsory way anymore. The most important thing is that I will not avoid you; I come to you by myself.

And you meet me accordingly; maybe because you understand that a lot of things are changing in a positive way in our country.

Everything is being done for the people in the best way possible and not because the government wants to brag about it; Not because the Mayor wants to campaign on it, but because people deserve a much better life.

I remember a time (3-4 years ago), when we first started implementing reforms my dear friends. People said back then: what has this government done? They incongruously stated that a police reform had been implemented, people did not accept bribes at the university entrance exams anymore, roads had been rehabilitated, new water systems installed…

It is interesting what they will say about these hospitals?

These hospitals are a clear projection of the idea of equality – that not only billionaires and millionaires, but all citizens of Georgia have equal human rights.

It is basically possible to get medical treatment at a five star hotel level hospital with the help of our professionals.

The new hospitals are equipped with technology similar to those in the USA, Brazil, the Netherlands, and France.

We have such hospitals in Gardabani, Bolnisi, in several neighborhoods of Rustavi and this is not a coincidence – this is a result of our lengthy and hard work.

Foreigners are very often surprised by the fact that Georgia is doing all of this. They often ask where we find the money, without having such natural resources as oil and gas in reserve.

We admit that we have none of the above, but on the other hand, we have no corruption either.

This is the most important thing.

The politicians who often gather in halls and try to return our country to the past…they are probably worried that they no longer have the opportunity to humiliate you and extort money from you. We know all of them by their first and last names.

In the past there were only 5 hospital rooms like the thousands we have in Georgia today. Only these people had the privilege to access them with the money they extorted from you, but today, every citizen of Georgia can get medical care at newly built and well accommodated hospitals.

They even traveled abroad to get medical treatment and only their children were well taken care of.

We ruined this idea for them and that is why they do not want the present or the future.

That is why they want to go back to the past and that is why all of our enemies will pay all of the money they have in order to attempt to return us to the past.

Our people have seen the past and they know the value of the future very well. They will understand the value of better life very soon because most of our children study in warm, well-equipped, and renovated schools.

Our citizens get medical care in clinics that the citizens of countries 10 times richer than ours can only dream about.

We have roads everywhere, but we have programs for every main road of Gardabani and a water system program for every main neighborhood of Gardabani and not only in Gardabani.

I could never imagine that Rustavi would have water.

98 % of Rustavians no longer have water problems.

They don’t even remember that they ever had such a problem and this is a good thing. I don’t want to remind them about it, but I mentioned it accidentally.

I am not going to remind anyone of this in order to show off.

I wish everyone could forget the time when we had no roads, no electricity, no water, and lacked many other things.

I wish we could once and for all forget the problem of poverty. This is our final goal.

My dear friends, I will never forget our meetings in Gardabani. I will never forget the time when I walked down the main street with hundreds of thousands of you.

Very warm, hard working, and special people live here, who came from all parts of Georgia in the past – outer Kakheti, Svaneti, Imereti; ethnic Azeris.

This is a mini model of Georgia because very hard working, talented, warm, and good people have gathered in this place over time, like the people in the rest of Georgia.

This is a fairly tough place, because Gardabani still has a high rate of unemployment. I know very well that none of the governments of the past paid attention to this place.

I also know well that our policy is to take care of those who are unprotected; to look in the direction where nobody is looking and create something that nobody ever thought of or dreamed of there.

The most important thing is to believe that our country has a future and nobody will ever shake this belief.

I greatly thank you for finding the time to meet with me.

I opened 3 hospitals and several other facilities today; I also toured several works in progress and it is already night, but I would like to tell you that I am not tired… not even a little.

You give me so much energy that I would open 100 facilities if I had to.

It is true that only one facility has been opened here – a hospital which had to be special and I think it is.

God bless you!