The President of Georgia attended the funeral services for Vaclav Havel


The President of Georgia attended the official funeral service of the first President of the Czech Republic and one of the leaders of the 1989 Velvet Revolution – Vaclav Havel. The world leaders gathered at the Saint Vito Cathedral in Prague in order to say goodbye to the first President of the Czech Republic. The US Secretary of State – Hilary Clinton, her husband – Bill Clinton, the President of France – Nicolas Sarkozy, the Prime Minister of UK – David Cameron, the President of Germany – Christian Wulff, the Chancellor of Germany – Angela Merkel and others were among the guests. The service ended with an address by the President of the Czech Republic – Vaclav Klaus and Madeleine Albright.

The last meeting between Mikheil Saakashvili and Vaclav Havel was held in Prague several months ago. During that visit Mikheil Saakashvili had decorated Vaclav Havel with the Victory Order of Saint George for support of Georgian national interests and backing our country in the international arena.

The President expressed sorrow regarding the death of a great Czech politician a few days ago and noted that Georgia has lost an important friend in Vaclav Havel and the world has lost a great leader.