The President of Georgia met with the local authorities of Guria


First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone in Guria with the opening of the most modern hospitals among those I have seen so far.

On the one hand, Guria was disadvantaged from other regions as there had not been a regional hospital here, but on the other hand, the best clinic has been opened precisely here.

You know that we are focusing on the reconstruction of Kakheti in Eastern Georgia this year, while in Western Georgia it will be the region of Guria. We have decided this together with Ramaz Nikolaishvili a long time ago.

You know as well, that we are creating the Partnership Fund, which will compile the regional investments.

We will create the Presidential Fund for the revival of Guria, which will be lead by Ramazi.  Of course, I will personally take up this issue.

We have to resolve several issues.

First, is to fully manage the infrastructure, i.e. there have to be good roads everywhere, natural gas has to be supplied everywhere, the countering process has to finished everywhere, the water drainage has to be managed as well – to be completed where it has been started and to begin work where it has not started.

Second, is tourism – the management of resorts, including the seashore of Ureki.

We are starting a grand program in Ureki, which envisages installation of such water drainage and sewage systems, which have not been installed either during the soviet times nor afterwards. We are using the same kind of modern system, which has been used in Batumi.

In addition to this, we need to carry out these kinds of projects in Bakhmaro as well.

We visited Bakhmaro several times already and looked at those places where the work has to begin.

As soon as the snow starts to melt, the works will commence with full spin.

The first stage has to be completed before the summer, while we should discuss building a ski resort next year. These are now separate investments.

We have already installed the special indicators for wind, so that we know about the direction of wind for correctly planning the ski roads.

The third, and the very important issue is the training of people, which is directly connected to employment.

Together with the Ministry of Education we want to open a regional center in Ozurgeti, where people of all ages will be able to get training and adjust to the requirements of the modern labor market.

On the one hand, we have a high level of unemployment today, but on the other there are projects carried out in Poti, Batumi, Anaklia…The construction of Lazika is to start in spring. To some extent, we will have a significant deficit of qualified people soon, including in Western Georgia.

When I mention qualification, I do not mean the knowledge of higher mathematics – we need to teach people such things that will allow them to adjust to modern requirements.

First of all, it is necessary for the economy and of course, for them to sustain their families.

This problem comes from the 90s, when the education system was dismantled and if anyone had worked before, they would forget everything because of not having worked for many years.

That is why training of people and their adjustment to the requirements of the modern labor market, modern construction, modern development, infrastructural and other requirements, i.e. the development of the education system and creation of this center in Ozurgeti, will be the most principal thing.

In parallel to all of this, the next stage is to improve the social protection system.

Although it is true that the new hospital has been built, everyone should be able to go and get treatment there firstly, those who are in need the most.

The relevant agencies of social protection should accurately register the population that needs help. Especially when the issue of awarding families with such a status becomes arguable because of them being close to the threshold,  the case should always be decided in favor of the socially unprotected and not the opposite. We will all need to seriously work on this together.

In a nutshell, the year of Guria begins in 2012 and this should be significantly reflected in the region in 6-7 months.

In this regard, each one of you bears a significant responsibility, as people have very high hopes.

The population has great expectations as well.

The main thing is not to disappoint them now.

Everyone knows very well that we cannot resolve everything 100 percent, but our people are very smart and do not demand anything that is impossible to achieve.

What it demands is fair and that is why we should do everything possible to make this happen.