Mikheil Saakashvili: the road of unifying Georgia goes through Europe



This is the second day of the President of Georgia’s participation in the 20th Congress of the European People’s Party. The European leaders are discussing ways of dealing with the crisis in the European zone and rescuing the Euro. After the end of the session, Mikheil Saakashvili once again emphasized the importance of finding ways of dealing with the European crisis and involving Georgia in this dialogue. While commenting, Mikheil Saakashvili mentioned the statements of Nicolas Sarkozy, during the closed meeting, and the support that Georgia has received in the process of integrating into the European Union. While assessing the statements made during the two day sessions of the EPP Congress, Mikheil Saakashvili described the terms of the European leaders, “ethnic cleansing” and “occupation,” as a diplomatic breakthrough. Along with European support, Mikheil Saakashvili noted that the road to the unification of Georgia is through integration into the European structures.

“Of course the European crisis is also problematic for Georgia. I think the EU will find a way out, because the debates are going on quite intensively. The fact that Georgia is at the negotiations table is very significant. I remember when our country was a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States and we attended every session of CIS, but nobody asked the member states anything; nobody cared about their opinion. When people ask me what’s the difference between Europe and CIS this is what I tell them. Europe is the union of free nations, which is based on free will; they respect our freedom and sovereignty. The fact that the terms “ethnic cleansing” and “occupation” have been established is decisive. International Law is extremely important for a small country. The desirer of “grabbing” Georgia - Russia wanted to finish its “business” at night so that all traces would be erased before daylight. The position of Europe is that a military occupation of our territories and ethnic cleansing against Georgia took place. This means that occupation is a short term situation for us. It’s short term in the sense that any kind of occupation ends with de-occupation and the “authors” of ethnic cleansing sooner or later will have to face charges for their actions. This judicial construction is a great achievement for us.  There are financial problems in Europe, but what is happening in Russia today should make those, who are not able to overcome their outlook and are looking for a solution in the North, think harder. Look at the hysteria in the North. Look at it well; how inevitable is the fall of their system, which is occupying our territory. Even look at what is happening in the deserted streets of Tkhinvali. Everyone should understand that in this situation there is no way for us to go back. We only have one way, the way leading to Europe. The road to unifying Georgia goes only through Europe. I would like to emphasize and make one thing clear: nobody has veto power in our process of integration into the EU, especially Russia. There are skeptical people in Europe, but there are also people who think that Georgia should become a member of EU and that is the absolute majority. By the way, the President of France – Nicolas Sarkozy talked about the fact that Georgia must become a member of the EU at the closed meeting. This is very important to me, because nobody has ever spoken about this here before. It is true that we have touched on this issue in Georgia but the President of a large country – France - introduced this issue for the first time at the EU summits. In the end, this is the only future for us and there is no alternative. We must be a European democracy as a member of the EU.” – stated the President of Georgia.

During his speech, the Head of State focused attention on European values and Georgian-Russian relations on the first day of Congress in Marseille. The President of France – Nicolas Sarkozy, the Chancellor of Germany – Angela Merkel, the Prime Minister of the EU Chair of Poland – Donald Tusk, and other leaders attended the sessions of Congress of the European People’s Party.