The President of Georgia is attending the congress of the European People’s Party


The President of Georgia attended the congress of the European People’s Party after being invited by the President of the Party. Mikheil Saakashvili addressed the delegates. The Head of State focused attention on the aggression against Georgia, the failure of Russia to fulfill its obligations as well as breaking the norms of the International Law. Mikheil Saakashvili also touched on the successful reforms implemented in the country and improved international ratings.

During his speech, the President of Georgia talked about European values and European aspirations of Georgia and thanked the European leaders for their firm support. As he noted, Georgia has no alternative but European transformation and no other geopolitical choice in the process of European integration.

“I want to express the gratitude of these very people and of the Georgian nation as a whole to President Martens for his strong words today and more generally for the support and the moral leadership that the EPP has shown throughout these past years. The latest proof of support being the European Parliament resolution regarding Georgia accepted by an overwhelming majority, engineered and promoted by the EPP. – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

Wilfried Martens, who opened the congress of the European People’s Party with an official address, spoke in detail about the common values of Georgia and Europe on behalf of the European leaders.  He once again expressed support of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia.

“Georgia is already established, but its success is not very well known. Georgia became a victim of cruel aggression in 2008. The aggression was stopped only after the intervention of the President of France – Nicolas Sarkozy. Back then, Mr. Sarkozy acted as the President of the European Union. The EPP has always expressed solidarity towards Georgia and our Georgian friends. Dear Mikheil, the EPP was the first to condemn the post-conflict situation and chose exact terms to express the reality of the situation. The EPP was the first to loudly state that Russian troops were located illegally in the occupied zones of Georgia and demanded their withdrawal. The EPP was the first to condemn ethnic cleansing in the region. I am glad that I witnessed the condemning of the situation in the occupied zones of Georgia by the European Parliament’s resolution three weeks ago” – stated the leader of the European People’s Party.

The 20th congress of the EPP started in Marseille today. The leaders will discuss European values and common aspirations for two days.