The President of Georgia toured the multi-functional complexes of “Wissol” and “Socar”


Mikheil Saakashvili attended the opening of the multi-functional complexes of “Wissol” and “Socar” on a central highway, connecting Western and Eastern Georgia.

The President stopped at the rest area of “Wissol,” toured the service areas, and used the wireless internet.

“This complex is the dream of every traveler. There will be total of 16 service complexes built in Georgia where it will be possible to work, rest and/or use wireless internet connection. This is available in Sweden, Netherlands, USA and other developed countries. We could not even dream of this 2-3 years ago. Georgia is becoming not only one of the civilized countries in the region, but one of the most advanced countries worldwide and at a very rapid rate. Of course, we are not rich yet and our income is still low; we have social-economic problems, but we are creating standards by which we cannot avoid developing rapidly. We must have special buildings and each one of them should be an architectural masterpiece of the world catalogue” – noted the President of Georgia.

The Wissol rest and service area includes several facilities: A petrol station, natural gas station, car shop, parking, super market “Smart” and “Smart Café”. There is also a market area in order for the local residents to sell their goods. Up to 150 people were employed during the construction and up to 100 people are employed here right now, some of which are IDPs as a result of Russian aggression.

The President of Georgia also toured the multi-functional complex of Socar and expressed interest in the conditions and the quality of service. Mikheil Saakashvili visited the fast food facilities and noted that travelers should enjoy the user friendly environment and prices in such places.

“Nobody would imagine that such facilities would appear on the roads of Georgia – with a diverse menu and warm and comfortable environment. This means that everyone who has similar facilities opened along the road will have no other choice but to increase quality and decrease prices. In the end, the competition will incredibly increase the quality. This is the new standard for the roads of Georgia. Such quality road service does not exist anywhere else in Eastern Europe and the Post Soviet space. Someone might say that there is no time for this right now, but all of this creates jobs and assists in the process of development. This will give people an opportunity to live better. We have limited time and a lot more needs to be done. The tunnel was built so fast that some criticize by saying it must lack quality, but if one does not create and does not work, that person is never accused of making mistakes since they haven’t accomplished anything. This is really an example of high quality construction, high quality architectural and infrastructure” – stated the President of Georgia.

The Socar multi-functional complex includes a petrol station, fast food places, hypermarket “Goodwill,” currency exchange, tourist services and children entertainment centers. There are currently up to 85 people employed on site.

The Wissol and Socar multi-functional complexes have been designed by a German Architect Jurgen Mayer.