Joint statements of Mikheil Saakashvili and Krzystof Lisek during the ceremony of awarding Krzystof Lisek the Victory Order of Saint George.


Mikheil Saakashvili 


I would like to greet my friend, a friend of Georgia and a very important member of the European Parliament from Poland - Krzystof Lisek.

I have to note that the resolution passed by the European Parliament is truly historic for us because of its content. This document expresses the truth about the occupation of Georgia and the ethnic cleansing in our country as well as the position of the EU regarding the membership of Georgia into the Union according to Article 49. Defining a historical meaning is a job of historians, but this is a case which makes it safe to say today that what happened in Strasbourg yesterday is a uniform ending of a very important stage for the history of Georgia.

The end of this stage means that Georgia is strongly entering the mentality of Europe and Europeans, as an inseparable part of Europe and a future member of the European Union.

Even dreaming about this was impossible 2-3 years ago.

First, regarding the occupied regions, it was finally defined that these territories are truly occupied. Secondly, an ethnic cleansing took place and the demographic situation was changed massively. The occupying force located there is responsible for this. This is very important in legal terms.

We are grateful for your support of the reforms which Georgia is implementing.

We are a small country and a legal fight can be decisive for us. International Law is our main instrument in the fight against great injustice.

Our people know the value of friendship and unselfish backing.

It is important for a small country to know that in a large and unfair fight against us, which we unfortunately have been dragged into, the international law is on our side.

Our history and experience have taught us that we have to fight for our existence, meaning that we should always try to fight the enemy to the end in order to defend our freedom and our Western friends.

Our nation very well knows how to appreciate kindness. This is a case when we would like to specially thank you.

Of course this gratitude also extends to the entire European Parliament, which you are representing in this case. You are also representing your country, Poland, and I think this is the continuance of the great friendship that connects our nations. This is the continuance of our joint fight. This is clear proof of the fact that the blood of Georgian officers has not been spilled for in vain when they fought for Poland. Whatever is now developing between our countries is also the result of the joint fight of ours and Polish heroes and it will stay in the minds of our people as a photographic memory.

The Victory Order of Saint George is the highest decoration of Georgia. Saint George was physically weaker than the Emperor fighting him, but he was morally stronger and that is why he won in the end. This decoration has his name and it’s a clear expression of the fight of Georgia.

As a sign of gratitude, on behalf of the Georgian people, I would like to decorate you with the Victory Order of Saint George.


Krzystof Lisek

Dear Mr. President, honorable members of the parliament, ladies and gentlemen.

It’s a great honor to be given the Victory Order of Saint George. But I feel like I’m only representing 93 % of European Parliament, people, who supported this resolution yesterday – all political groups: Christian Democrats, Conservatives, Socialists’, Greens and Liberals, they all supported this resolution. This is a very important voice of almost the whole European Parliament. The Parliament saying: we see Georgia as a European State, we see Georgia as a state, as a country sharing all European values and principles, including democracy, human rights etc.

I know this resolution is not the finish of the process, but I think it is one step forward to have Georgia closer to the European Union. I should say that my dream is that I will finally work together in the European Parliament with Georgian members of this Parliament. I wish you all the best and good luck to you Mr. President and to your country.