The President of Georgia decorated Vaclav Havel with the Victory Order of Saint George


The President of Georgia met with the first President of the Czech Republic – Vaclav Havel at the Embassy of Georgia in Prague today. After the meeting Mikheil Saakashvili decorated Vaclav Havel with the Victory Order of Saint George.

After the decoration ceremony the President of Georgia addressed the representatives of the diplomatic corps and guests gathered at the embassy.

“Every one of us who values freedom and constantly strives towards innovation and uniqueness … in a way all of us are children of Vaclav Havel. For those who were born and raised on the other side of the Iron Curtain and dreamed about freedom, pro-democracy effort and reform leaders, the name Vaclav Havel is well known. The collapse of the Soviet Union was not the end of history, but on the contrary, to us it was the beginning of history. 

Mr. Vaclav, it is because of your merit that we were able to escape the frozen museum, where we only existed and thought about survival. We thought about survival because our future was not in our own hands. There were two ways of leaving Communism and entering the new history: first, the way of tolerance and liberal democracy and the second, ultra nationalism and corrupt authoritarianism.  On one hand, the way of Vaclav Havel and on the other hand the way of Slobodan Milosevic. Everyone who has chosen the way of democracy in Eastern Europe is following your steps. Colored revolutions were the continuation of your Velvet Revolution. Mohamed Bouazi, a 26 year old Tunisian, who sacrificed himself in the city of Sidi Bouazid, starting the Arab Spring echoes that of Jan Pollack, who stood up to the Soviet Tanks in 1968.

Saint George is represented by our order and it is clear that Georgia stands on these principals. I think Georgia embodies the idea that, no matter how strong the evil seems, no matter how many tanks, airplanes or how much money it has, if the idea of freedom is strong Georgia will not be defeated by anyone. A free soul will always achieve victory. Kindness will always defeat evil.

It is a great honor for me to decorate you” – stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

Vaclav Havel thanked the President of Georgia and expressed hope that the territorial integrity of Georgia will be restored and the country will become a plenipotentiary and honorable member of the European structures soon. The first President of the Czech Republic noted in his speech that he has a special relationship with Georgia.

“Mr. President, dear friends, let me address you with a few words. I first of all thank you for the honor that I was granted by you. This is of course very pleasant for me; however in such situations I always ask myself whether I deserved the award. The last time I was in Georgia was 44 years ago. I have been to many countries, but I will never forget my visit to Georgia because it occupies a special place in my heart and my memory. I would like to use this opportunity to express hope that Georgia will restore its territorial integrity and the historic borders without any bloodshed in the nearest future. I hope that Georgia will soon become a member of European Institutions – first of all the European Union” – noted Vaclav Havel while receiving the award.

President Saakashvili is currently in Prague attending a conference initiated by the first President of the Czech Republic – Vaclav Havel.