Mikheil Saakashvili opened a Palace of Justice in Kutaisi


The President of Georgia opened the Palace of Justice in Kutaisi, the fourth in a row, where he talked about the modern services that have been implemented as well as other successful reforms in this direction. Mikheil Saakashvili also noted that several developed countries have already expressed a desire to learn from Georgia’s reforms.

"Our promise is that Kutaisi must become not only the Parliamentary Capital but the second Capital of Georgia as well. Our task is to move the Chamber of Commerce to Kutaisi with its entire personnel (most of it has already moved here) at the same time that we relocate Parliament here. The new, very beautiful and important House of the Government as well as the Parliament building are also located here. This government will always be close to Parliament, because it will always be accountable to the people. We will open the House of the Government on November 23 and the first session at the new Parliament building will be held on May 26, 2012. Many other things are being done,  showing that what we have said will be completely implemented. Our new Palaces of Justice, without exaggeration, are the best in the world. Several countries have already contacted us because they want to adopt this system. Hence, this is an innovation or “know how” that Georgia has created. We should create “know how” in terms of technology just like we have created it in the form of a Palace of Justice, the Georgian Police, the mechanisms of fighting corruption and the new tax and customs system. The rest of the world will benefit from our experience and the successful reforms of Georgia. This is our first step, which should be followed by the reformation of the education system and significant technology innovations in all spheres ", - stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

Just like in other cities, users will have a chance to get more than 250 services in one building of the Kutaisi Palace of Justice; it will also be possible to acquire licenses from the Ministry of Energy here. The Kutaisi Palace of Justice is the first to unify services of many governmental bodies.

After opening the Palace of Justice, the President gave new identity cards to 6 freshmen of the Kutaisi State University, who received the highest scores in the national exams. Mikheil Saakashvili also spoke with the people gathered in front of the Palace of Justice.

The Minister of Justice – Zurab Adeishvili and the Metropolitan of Kutaisi-Gaenati  - Bishop Kalistrate, participated in the event along with Mikheil Saakashvili. The representatives of Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches as well as the members of accredited diplomatic corps and the citizens of Kutaisi attended the opening of the Palace of Justice.