The President of Georgia assessed the Telavi midterm elections


The President of Georgia assessed the midterm elections held in Telavi today and focused attention on the high turnout of the voters. The President called on the opposition parties, who refused to participate in elections, for more activity.

"Representatives of some of the opposition parties calm themselves into thinking that people are passive and that one-day these people will wake up and vote for them. These midterm elections, which, at first it seemed were not going to change anything in Telavi, resulted in an unbelievable activity. Elections proved that not only are the citizens not passive, but they are very active and they also actively support today’s course. It does not mean that they trust the government blindly, without criticism, or that they would like a complacent and happily contented government. How can anyone be complacent when there is so much poverty, unemployment, and territories occupied? We are far from of happiness in many ways for now, but the people support the direction, which has proven to work in the process of overcoming problems. I was especially pleased by the fact that the Telavi elections were administered without problems or violations. It was important for us to see whether we could hold elections in a civilized manner and run a normal election campaign. Telavi has never been an easy area; there have always been waves of passion. This election should serve as an example for the next Parliamentary elections ", - stated the President of Georgia.