Statement by the President of Georgia on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 terrorist  



Ten years ago, terrorists claimed 2,977 innocent lives in New York City, Washington, and in the skies above Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
On September 9/11 2001, Al Qaeda did not only attack a country, they declared war on democracy itself, on individual liberties and on a way of life. It is telling that the attacks killed nationals from 57 countries.
These attacks have put an end to the false belief that the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War had eliminated any fundamental threats to freedom..
Today we honor those who perished in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, and we share the sadness of their brave families.
Today, we remember as well all those who have fallen victim to terrorist attacks elsewhere in the world.
The memories of the victims will be best served by continuing the fight against terrorism around the world and by defeating those who attach no price to human life.
This is why our soldiers have given their lives so far from their home.
The people of Georgia stand fast with the people of the United States in defense of freedom.