The President of Georgia visited Racha region


The President of Georgia opened a new hospital in Ambrolauri region that corresponds modern standards. Medical facility that is envisaged for 25 beds will serve the local population. As the President said everyone would have a chance to get treatment in this hospital, among them those who has state insurance. As he noted treatment in new hospital would become available for everyone. The doctors working in this hospital will have a chance to contact leading specialists within the country and around the world via Internet with the special system installed in the hospital and receive qualified consultations from them. The President of Georgia personally participated in such experiment. Mikheil Saakashvili contacted Georgian doctor that works in Denmark and spoke with him about the possibilities of telemedicine development. As the President noted Denmark is one of the leader countries in regards of telemedicine development. He expressed his hope that this field will reach the high level of development in Georgia as well and successful Georgian doctors would not leave Georgia but those doctors that left Georgia years ago would come back.

The President of Georgia opened the social service agency today as well. The local population will use the service of above-mentioned agency starting from tomorrow.

Mikheil Saakashvili opened sports and fitness center in Ambrolauri region that united sport and fitness halls. 

The President spoke to the local population and got interested with those problems that they are facing at this moment. The President promised to finish ongoing projects and noted that Ambrolauri region will have its own airport by the end of next year.

The President of Georgia visited cattle-breeding farm in village Shardometi that was constructed within the frames of Georgian-Swiss project. Swiss company was the first that made an investment in Racha region after 2008 war. 2 million USD was already spent within the frames of the project. The aim of investors is to develop a new cattle breed. 25 locals are employed in farm. They went through special retraining program held by Swiss side. The President of Georgia awarded the director of farm Bruno Widen with Georgian citizenship. 

"This project is important because now slaughter-house is being constructed and it means that the whole population will have a chance to bring meat here. They are teaching people and are improving cattle breeds. It is necessary to bring Swiss breeds in, because the breeds existing in Georgia are on the edge of extinction. Today people are talking that this place should become alike Switzerland, first of all with its lifestyle. The source of income should be developed first and as you know it is created by new technologies, first of all in agriculture. When a slaughter-house is constructed, people will have much more interest to have more serious cattle, than they have today", the President of Georgia noted.

This project is very important, because if Georgian cow weighs 400 kilograms this new breed will weigh 700 kilograms. The interbreeding of Georgian and Swiss breeds will take place here as well. As the founders of the project say this will support substitution of imported meat by local on Georgian markets. Besides this a training center, lab and several slaughter-houses will be arranged around farm. It is planned to construct 30 farms of this type in Racha region. 

The President of Georgia went to Oni region after he left Abrolauri. He visited those residential blocks that were rehabilitated recently. Ten blocks and about thousand private houses are already restored. Mikheil Saakashvili met Oni population and got interested with the problems of those who suffered after an earthquake and war. As the President stated the Government is doing the maximum in order to satisfy needs of those families who suffered after an earthquake. 12 million GEL was issued from the state budget in order to improve their living conditions.