The President of Georgia attended Georgian liturgy


The President of Georgia attended prayer together with Georgian parish of St Andria at the Cathedral of St. Tommaso de Villanova that was held in Georgian language first time. After the prayer ended the President of Georgia addressed Georgian congregation.

"Together with formation of Georgian state the chance and sense appeared to have Georgian schools, cultural groups, folklore ensembles, various courses of distance learning in order for our children not to forget Georgian language. We never had recourses for this before, this is very important, because if they lose Georgian - they lose identity and the major thing is lost together with losing of identity - major thing what our talents are based on. This is why the major issue in Georgia is a positive migration. During last several years, if we don't count 2008, more people come back to Georgia than leave the country. This is so due to all data and it means that the youth leaves Georgia less. This is already very important fact. It is also very important that we have positive balance of birth rate, it is comparably low, but still it is positive. Sure our country is still in hardship, however many people speak about Georgia's success. Yesterday I had very warm and long meeting with the Vice President of Georgia. The major thing he said that he doesn't know any other country that after two yeas of misfortune that the country experienced it strengthened so rapidly and stood on the way to success. This is an exceptional talent of Georgian people. We had experienced everything, we went through all type of tornadoes and we still had not broke. The main thing is not to fall down, but the ability to raise and continue your way", the President of Georgia noted.

Vatican vitaru conveyed Cathedral of St. Tommaso de Villanova to hold various spiritual holidays and Saturday-Sunday services to Georgian side. Georgian Bishop-Monk Father John held spiritual liturgy. He thanked the President of Georgia for finding time to meet Georgian congregation. As he said this is a big stimuli for Georgians living abroad.