Speech delivered by the President of Georgia at the opening ceremony of House of Justice in Batumi





Today we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of our independence and I want to tell you that here we see colleagues from our entities who were born when Georgia gained its independence or were only 2-3 years old at that time. To say so, they have spent their whole lives in conditions of independence. I often thought about how hard Georgia's fortune was when during1918-1921 our independence lasted only 3 years.

A whole generation in Baltic countries and Poland had been raised under conditions of independence. This is why a tragedy happened, because it wasso hard for the Baltic countries that were dragged in Soviet Union. They remembered after many years that they had had independence and a political generation, a political class that was struggling for their independence acknowledging it.  For a long time running, Georgia never had a period when it maintained independence for 20 years in succession. It means that 20 years would be needed to raise a generation that could become a support for independent Georgia. So this is not only a date - 20 years -but it is a very important test of our statehood's maturity, experience and a totally new vision of our past and future. I think during these days we were once again warned of the threat that Georgia faces. And if someone has any doubts, if a person is not blind and his ears are not shut and he has decided not to see anything - the scenario written in Georgia today is pretty obvious.Our 20 years of independence is a very threatening period for an empire - it might not take us back. This is why all efforts were directed not to allow us to celebrate this anniversary, not to allow us to state in front of the world that we are celebrating our birthday today, not to allow us to bring our Armed Forces out on the street, to make us stand in a corner and bow down our heads. Today all their plans against Georgia were shown on TV, but our response to Putin's plans yesterday were all the actions taken by the police in Tbilisi. Our response was a parade conducted in the capital of Georgia today. One man had decided to spoil it as he had decided one day to hang me by some parts of my body. And most importantly - the consolidation of our society was a very bright signal that they wouldn't play this cheap performance. They told us today that a battle should be organized between the GRU's Special Forces and some mythical Kojori unit that has not been located in Kojori for quite a long time already.

However it didn't happen by chance because the last huge battle between the Bolsheviks happened specifically in Kojori - it was a battle betweenthe Bolshevik 11th army and Georgian Cadets. In 1921, some of Georgia'sungifted adventurist politicians went to Moscow, swore allegiance to Russian authorities and with a flag colored with the blood of revolutionary ideals came to Georgia in order to take power.

Sergo Orjonikidze was a very untalented, resentful man who had nothing to do in Georgia any more and was similarly a resentful man who wanted to become a viceroy of the Bolshevik King in order to change the life of the country for the better.

We had hundreds of victims than. We lost huge part of our elite, of our high society. What's most important we lost too much time during these decades on satisfying the ambitions of these stupid people - Orjonikidzes and Makharadzes.

Georgia has no people to allow them to go to shambles and I think that at the same time when we see that a fifth column already acts in an open way and tells us their plans and details without wearing a mask.If someone cannot see it with his own eyes and cannot hear it let them see additional documentaries shown on TV - in what great detail do they tell us their plans.

By the way I am against showing such videos on TV, but this was very fruitful and very legal, because all these plans are not developed in their poor minds only, but in the minds of those who have a big army, security services, big imperial ambitions and fuel resources in the rear and it makes them lose their minds.

If these plans only belonged to local nonentities I wouldn't take them seriously, but because I know whose plans these are and I as well know that they will not step back - this is why we take it all seriously. We also know that we have very good counter intelligence and police services, unfortunately we had lost one very dignified member of it. We have a pretty experienced government and what's most important we have a society with great sense of dignity. And when the fifth column acts as never before, my friends lets establish the rules of human play in Georgian politics. Now Georgia as never before needs a normal, active, effective opposition - an opposition that will act honestly, will criticize the government, will condemn the actions of government, will tell us many unpleasant things and will get ready to change it when time comes. But that will never put its stomach in front of the interests of its country.

Such an opposition will never give up the future of our country because of their own ambitions and will not try to steal our future as well. They are trying to steal our future, because they are untalented and have no other way to provide and guarantee a future for themselves. Now we need healthy political debates, involvement in every type of legislative process from various political groups that will act taking into account Georgia's interests.

We now as never before need the participation of our citizens of various ethnicities in order to give them prospects in Georgia; Now as never before we need the involvement of various religious confessions in the decisions made about Georgia's future and show them their place in a new, special Georgia with prospects.

This is why we had responded yesterday, but we must be careful, because these people surely will never step back. They want to disperse our people to shambles, they use the hardship and misfortune of these people.  There are many people that are in such a great hardship that are ready to follow anyone on a single call. I know it very well and I understand them well. Those people who use them in such way are unacceptable for me, but I once again say - we are talking about several hundred persons. The potential of such people is very low. We remember well how our independence started. After 200 years of enslavement under the Russian empire, we then had 70 years of Soviet occupation and as a result we had no political class that had knowledge in which direction should Georgia develop in terms of the political vector of an independent state.

We had no idea how the modern state functions with all its institutions and democratic systems. I remember I was saying on the dawn of our independence: "Borjomi", our tea and tangerines give us the possibility to live. I remember very well when an earthquake happened in Racha the Supreme Council wrote a letter to the US Congress asking to feed us forever. I do not blame them because there were many patriots in the Supreme Council then, simply this was how they imagined the life had to be - because we didn't know how a modern market economy should look, or what Georgia's economic function could be in a regional or global sense. All possible state or economic structures were destroyed by the 90s, but we didn't know the system that would substitute for it. We didn't have a culture of statehood or citizenship - a modern, democratic and sovereign state was needed for that. In Moscow they used to make fun of Georgia's idea of independence - they used to say that Georgia would never be able to exist independently; it wouldn't be able to form a state and develop an economy. Unfortunately the first 13 years of our independence was proof that those who made fun of us weren't mistaken. Our society found itself in chaos and disorder. The criminals, impudent and merciless banditscame to power as influential and successful leaders. Finally the law makers used to steel and thieves used to write laws; thieves in law were elected in Parliament. Last such an MP was Bondo Shalikian that was elected in 2003 from Tkibuli region because he paved 300-meter road. The lives of people were regulated by criminal law, the ordinary citizen had to defend its family from merciless criminal attacks. As a rule the only reality was sense of hopelessness and injustice.

Only several families got rich, they got rich because others got extremely poor. Every single relation of an ordinary citizen with the state was connected to bribe and humiliation... All state institutions got debauched to the very end...

Sovereign Georgia looks like a theatre of absurd where there was no crime, was no bribe that could buy it and not a single law service existed that a honest citizen could receive without sufficient bribes.


The Minister of Internal Affairs publically stated that the only salaries the policemen could get was bribes that they could taken from people... On 13th anniversary of our independence Georgia was known all around the world as one of the most corrupted and one of the most criminalized country with totally debauched state system and with unbearable bureaucratic pressure.

Seven years ago Georgian people said - enough! And brought it to the end. Our nation found energy, experience and intellect in order to take power and change the wheel fortune of the country. Seven years ago Georgian people declared to the whole world that those who were making fun of Georgia's independence, those who predicted our inevitable crash were bitterly mistaken. During this period we all together managed the total change of the situation.  We have started together construction of state institutions, we all together erased criminal mentality from our minds and stood on the way towardslegitimate state. We all together finished this nightmare that followed the first decade of our independence. The situation required radical changes. This is why we agreed that our reforms would be radical. We had agreed that for the better future of our children we wouldn't avoid painful reforms.

Reforms touched every sphere of state activities, from economy to social obligations, from law enforcement system to education and healthcare systems. Reforms even touched our minds and mentality. As a result the World Bank nominated Georgia number one reformer state around the world during last five years. As a result Georgia was formed as one of the least corrupted country all around the world. Instead of unformed country Georgia is an exemplary state and replication of Georgian reforms - popular thing to do even in those countries that are dreaming of destruction of Georgia day and night. Today we are boasting with so many statistical data and our positions within the international ratings: for example that World Bank recognized us as 11thcountry around the world in regards of simplicity of doing business and the survey conducted by EU showed that Georgia is number two most secured country in Europe.


But the real reforms are not measured by digits and data only. The major aim of reform is not a place in ratings.

The aim and measures of reform is an ordinary citizen of our country.

The major factor is what does the reform change for him, how simple his live gets, how fair is the environment he lives in and how much it gives a chance to realize his chances. Reform is when a policemen acts in a fair way and will help you, when he defends you and protects you when you are in need, when a bandits are not crashing to your houses, when you aren't afraid to leave your car outside on the street, when it gets dark and your children is still walking outside and you aren't nervous about them to get home safely.

reform means when you are abroad and you can change your passport in an online regime; reform means when a birth of a child is registered directly from any maternity home without going to civil register office. reform means when neither a bandit is bothering you nor thieve is involved in your case to prove the truth; reform is when no one asks you to pay bribes; when all relations with state institutions are regulated through one small window; when you don't have to find your way in the labyrinth of corruption; reform means civil register that simplifies every single procedure for you, treats you well and helps you resolve series of issues; reform means when you can get clearance to your cargo maximum in one hour, in most cases in 5-10 minutes or even fulfill required procedure via internet; when all tenders are carried out electronically and there is no tiny chance for someone to win in unfair way despite the fact how close this person is to the state entity. Once and for all talks regarding all types of corruption will end regarding nepotism or other corrupt schemes, reform means when you can register your company in one day without standing in rows and bribes, when one application is enough for getting any type of silence; reform means when so called "passport table" no longer exists where you had to bribe someone in order to get passport of ID card.

I can congratulate those, who are 20 years old, because they had never saw old passport tables. Reform means when you can get any information about registered property without going to civil register via internet and you don't need to go through humiliating procedures in order to get an extraction; when you can sell and buy houses without any bribes, when it was impossible even to imagine it, reform is when you live in the village, study in a regular public school, you don't have money for tutors and you get enlisted in the most prestigious college or university; reform means when you have to pass an exam at computer without any type of support and get your driver's license (I personally got my driver's license in Kiev by having some relatives in this system; now many my friends ask me to help them get their driver's license, but sure I refuse to help them); reform means that you can register your new car in 20 minutes and you can buy silence plates in any pay box. 

We have these and many more other examples that prove daily lives of our citizens. It represents a real measurement tool of how successful our reforms are and accordingly how successful is our state in whole.


But, what's most important we are not going to stop. We will continue our reforms with the same activeness and even higher results in order to simplify lives of our people.

This is why we gathered here today in Batumi on the opening ceremony of House of Justice.


This beautiful building that will become the landmark of Batumi - it represents not only architectural masterpiece, but also the masterpiece of relations between the state and the citizen.

Today's event is not the opening of one building only - this is a very important inauguration of institutional reform and renovation.

Starting from today the new dimension of success will crown all Georgian reforms - our society will get to know as a House of Justice starting from tomorrow. House of Justice is an implementation of most modern, comfortable and innovative way of state service in Georgia. This is unimaginably rapid and simple service for our citizens, when they need service on ID and citizenship.


With the formation of House of Justice we create absolutely new standard that is exemplary not for our country and region only, but throughout the whole world...

The aim of first stage of reforms was abolishment of corruption in the relations between citizen and state and putting these relations within  the frames of law. We did much for this. This is why they fight with us and they will continue this fight.


We had established a window principle - system that gives chances to our citizens not to run to different officials up and down. Sure this system gave us incredible results and any citizen will prove this fact that had relations with public or civil registers.


Now our aim is to go forward and move our reform on absolutely new stage. In this case our aim is not only fight with corruption, but a citizen and its success;  our aim is to equip our citizens with new possibilities and tools in order to give them a chance to become more successful. This is why the House of Justice goes farther than one window principle that was implemented by the Ministry of Justice once - the House of Justice is all of this located in one space. If a citizen served the corrupted interests of our high officials previously, now the state serve its citizens and what's the most important - in one comfortable space.

This is implementation of new technologies in order to give a chance to the citizens use the fastest forms of service and information - electric forms. Citizens will receive information regarding any service via SMS as well. Our aim is to help and simplify lives of not those people only that need service of register or House of Justice, but others as well. For example to help any mother: the system was created in state register that provides parents with the information related to children and their development. Information they will receive includes: immunization, right nutrition, physical and mental development and others. By the help of the same system it will become possible to inform parents about free and not free medical service.

Due to the new standards of our reforms the citizens will have unique chances in order to receive everything via internet - without leaving home - will it be a notary act, notary service, public or civil services.

Due to the new standard of reform the most precious will be time and energy of a citizen. This is why they can receive mobile consultations on any issue and what is the most important soon, in just several we will transfer on a system of electric IDs.


Your head Mr. Giorgi Vashadze that was awarded with the highest order of a country today permanently speaks about this new ID cards.

Electric IDs will totally change and simplify the relations of a citizen with state and private sectors.

New IDs will be equipped with the certificate of electric signature and it will give unique chances of clerical work to the citizens and turn them to more mobile, rapid and more effective person.


For example if today it is necessary to apply in any state entity - as a rule a citizen should go to corresponding organization, sign a paper and turn the paper in the chancellery.

After introduction of new electronic ID cards, a person will fill up an application in online regime, will prove it with electronic signature and send it to corresponding agency via email.


The realization of signature will totally change relationships between citizen and private sector. In particular business procedures will change totally and it will become possible to buy all services online.

New ID cards will substitute all plastic cards that existed in private and public sectors: loyalty cards, insurance cards, public transportation cards and others. 


Besides this new ID card will represent a real identification document that will have all the information included in it. New ID card will unite all information of its owner and will be a key of access to such information as marriage or birth certificates, document on health and many others. It will become possible to transfer all the information related to health on it. However if the access on information will be limited on others. Only the owner will get information and those who will have corresponding right on it.

New ID card is much more that identification document only...

New ID card simplifies the services of state sectors only, but of businesses as well. This is an absolutely new type, to carry out contemporary electronic business...

This is an additional stimulus for investors to invest money in Georgia and it accordingly will create new jobs. New ID card is a warranty that old times will never return - and that no one will challenge the lives and activities of Georgian citizens.

This is a warranty that our citizens will be more competitive not only within the motherland, but globally as well.


This is an expression that the aim of our reforms is simplification of our peoples lives and its equipment by action tools.

Most probably the progress and fast tempo of development is felt in Batumi the most. New hotels are being constructed here, new enterprises, boulevards and parks are being open here. We come often here to open new facilities or lay foundations of the constructions. Each of such events are specially pleasant for me because I see tens and hundreds of jobs beyond it, I see employed people and families.

But today the opening of this building is different with its importance.

Today, beyond this beautiful building we see the new stage of relationships between the state and the citizen, we see the implementation of new standards what will simplify and make more comfortable many issues for our citizens... Not only here in Adjara, but in whole country. In the face of this building we see a new state image that offers a five-star service to its citizens and what's most important we see a new citizen of new Georgia, who is a person of high effectiveness and is more successful. This citizen represents the crown of all our reforms and who is ready to lead independent, sovereign and future oriented motherland towards totally new horizons with its own success.


I once again congratulate you with the opening of this building and to brake our enemies heart and to make us happy - I want to congratulate all of you with 20th anniversary of our independence.