The President of Georgia opened a new hospital in Abasha region




The President of Georgia opened a new hospital in Abasha region that will receive patients starting from today. Multi-profile hospital has 15 beds and is equipped by modern standards. Mikheil Saakashvili awarded Doctor Akaki Chanturia with the Order of Dignity for his braveness expressed during the war. The surgeon was wounded while fulfilling his professional mission, however he never stopped helping other victims.

"You remember how much have they talked regarding unfulfilled program of 100 hospitals. Those, who were blaming us in not fulfilling this program, forgot somehow the world crises and occupation of Georgia. Despite this I want to say to destroy their hopes and to give joy to our supporters that not only 100 hospitals had been built, but more than that - more than 150. I always fulfill my promises and we have financial possibilities as well - many investments are being fulfilled in Georgia. How our people work here is more important. Doctor Akaki Chanturia was here when our enemies were bombing the most beautiful place of Georgia - Senaki. This is especially painful for me, because I, partially come from Senaki. Doctor Akaki was wounded in stomach then, but he hadn't abandoned other victims and treated them until they were hospitalized. Only after that he laid in the hospital and got treatment. Word "dignity" characterizes this action in a best way, however he deserves all Orders and all kind of appreciation. First of all I want to thank him personally and on the behalf of whole country", the President of Georgia stated.