The President of Georgia a unit under the construction in Batumi


The President of Georgia attended the opening ceremony of the construction of Black Sea Business Center in Batumi. Diana Labadze a singer working in Moscow put symbolically a capsule in the fundament of the construction. Mikheil Saakashvili called the construction an important project and stated that besides a unique resort Batumi will become financial center of Georgia. The President noted that the activation of Business Center will increase economic activity and will support creation of new jobs.

"Today a foundation of extremely important financial center had been laid. Many activities will connect Poti and Batumi ports with this center, in general port infrastructure and investments from all other neighboring countries. This is why it is so important to build such a beautiful and grand Business Center in regards of employment - tens of thousands of people will be given jobs, because economic activity will increase here. This is why Batumi will not be only a city of summer, early fall and late spring, but a vital economic and financial center. This is my project, sure Tbilisi is a capital of Georgia, it is a city of the Government of Georgia, Kutaisi will become a city of Parliament and Batumi must become Georgia's vital financial center.  This building is being constructed in the beginning of Batumi Boulevard. In this regards some people fight because of this and are protesting against this construction. I understand them well, whoever is nervous now about safety of boulevard. When I became a President this boulevard was kilometer and 800 meters - now it is eight kilometers and 200 meters. Adding to this ten more kilometers and finally we will have 18-kilometer long boulevard. Tens of thousands of trees were planted here and hundreds of thousands will be planted in future. I say it all for those people, who get nervous because of new centers and in general because of building process. After my Presidency is over I will not be taking it all with me on my back. All of this will remain here. There are people, who miss construction process, wants to have better future, understands very well how important such projects are in regards of employment and practically all normal people and the whole society supports these type of projects. We are doing this for these people, on behalf of these people and for the better future", the President of Georgia noted.

After the opening of the construction of Black Sea Business Center Mikheil Saakashvili visited Alphabet Tower construction and got interested with the building process. As the President said this tower will become a landmark of Batumi - it will be Batumi Eifel Tower; it will be possible to see it from various places, among them from the sea. The President noted that Georgian alphabet bears a genetic code and this is why the tower has a shape of DNA. As the authors of the project say - Alphabet Tower will finish in July.

"This is Batumi Eifel Tower. It was my and Levan Varshalomidze's mutual idea to line up Georgian alphabet as our genetic code, our DNA. If we look carefully the alphabet is attached in a way DNA structure and it goes all the way up to the sky. This tower will be visible from many places: sea, North, South... It will be composed very soon and will finish by the end of July. Those, who are a bit happy because of the development of Georgia those will see that we are constructing the most unique city not only within the Black Sea region, but one of the best throughout the world. I say this without any exaggeration. Just imagine when you see skyscrapers from the entrance tunnel of Batumi - it will be unimaginable beauty. We have no oil and no gas, such building are constructed in countries like China and Dubai that have so much oil. I don't even know any other country that has such limited resources and where so many constructions and developments happen in the modern world", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

The President moved to renovated dolphinareum after Alphabet Tower and attended dolphin show together with his wife Sandra Elizabeth Roeloves and his younger son Nikoloz. Mikheil Saakashvili officially opened the dolphinareum today, however the gusts would see the show from June.