The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held her traditional briefing


The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia stressed her attention on those economic projects that were successfully fulfilled and. She said that the legal transaction, which concerns Georgian securities would finish today.

"Georgia successfully allocated Eurobonds worth of 500 million USD. Foreign experts and media had already responded to this deal and evaluated it as one of the best deals. Instead of 5 years time limit and 7.5 percent rate it has 10 years period of time and the percent rate is 7.125.

This transaction significantly improved country's perception from the investor's side and this data for them represents certain type of an economical indicator, because instead of 5 years, the foreign investors now trust country for 10 years. Accordingly, other Georgian private companies can attract more investments of long term and low percent rate. These successful transactions first of all would be followed by growing interest from the investor's side.

"I think that the second important issue is that after this deal, the problem of a state loan is no longer on agenda", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

The Spokesperson as well touched the issues of regional and infrastructural issues that represent one of the top priorities for the government. As she said it is proved by the changes made in the budget last week. She stressed her attention on the projects of the Ministries of Regional Development and Infrastructure.

"60 million GEL was issued from the funds allocated for the regional projects. This amount is envisaged for every region of country and concerns the infrastructure of every regions in Georgia.

"Money will be spent on the rehabilitation of water and sewage systems, roads and bridges, flood channels, house-buildings and irrigation channels, as well as for the arrangement of street lights and strengthening shores. 333 infrastructural projects would be fulfilled with 60 million GEL issued from the fund. It means that hundreds of people would be given jobs in every region. You are well aware that the employment of locals is top priority as well", Manjgaladze noted.

The Spokesperson stated as well that the program of "village aid" would activate this month as well. 40 million GEL is issued for this project from the budget. The village is given a chance to identify their top priority issue and resolve it by the support of this program.

Finally, Manana Manjgaladze responded to the terrorist attack that was fulfilled in Belorussia. 12 peaceful citizens were killed and 150 were injured during this terrorist attack in Minsk. The Spokesperson expressed her condolences on the behalf of Georgian nation and the President in this very hard period of time for the Belorussia.