President of Georgia Visited Ongoing Works of Water Purification System in Bakuriani


The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited ongoing works of drinkable water purification system and talked about development of infrastructure.

 "I came here in order to see the water purification system arranged in Bakuriani. We have been working on it during the last three years and the modern water purification system is created here, which Bakuriani has never experienced before, even in the period of the Soviet Union. Clean water was always problematic issue for Bakuriani.  Now there are so much chances of building more hotels. Today it is inspected for the last time and this water system will start functioning from tomorrow.  The sewerage system is being changed thoroughly. We are also bringing to the end building of the sewerage system in Borjomi and in my opinion as a result of these thousands of jobs will appear. This weekend you could see how many people had arrived here from Tbilisi. When the fly-over will be built up to Khashuri, and this will probably happen next year, arriving from Tbilisi to Bakuriani will take an hour and a half.

This means that in reality no unemployed people will be here. You can see the ways built in Bakuriani. Personally I used to come here in my childhood. Bakuriani presented the symbol of fragile infrastructure and ways - everything was ruined and destroyed. Look, what the roads look like in Bakuriani now. In practice everywhere we could drive on well-built ways not to mention world level skating routes. This is a winter resort as well as the summer one. Only from Azerbaijan, Armenia and the other neighbor countries is available to quadruplicate and quintuplet the number of visitors which means new hopes and new incomes for these people. When we gathered here two years ago I said that everything would be fulfilled and revived in Bakuriani. I arrived here today in order to see what has been done from the work planned two years ago - everything is accomplished with 100 percent and we should go on this way." - Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

Fulfillment of purification program started last year. Overall flaw of the line is planned for March 15. 15 000 persons living in Bakuriani region will be delivered filtrated water from April.