The President of Georgia visited Tabidze's family in village Etseri


The President of Georgia went to Imereti region today and visited Alexander Tabidze's family in village Etseri. During the conversation Mikheil Saakashvili stressed his attention on the program of plural cereals and on the necessity of more corn cultivation. He said that one of the ways of solving problems of provisions when prices increase on cereals all around the world is enhancement of efficiency of local industry.

"Today we have such a situation. On the one hand prices increased on everything, on the other hand we weren't prepared well. Largest parts of land are still uncultivated, besides we have old breeds that give low harvest and we have no processing industry. I visited Koda poultry enterprise recently. 5 years ago we were importing 70 percent of eggs, not it is on the contrary - we export eggs now, but they are importing part of corn from foreign countries. Such enterprises and system must exist in every village here. Who else must do it if not you, the local population? Storage farmsteads must be arranged locally. Money would be invested in this sphere, but you must plan price on cereal harvest and accordingly the income of your family. In reality we have huge resource in agriculture and it is quite possible to create a good agro-industrial complex in Georgia. Public schools are very good, new schools even better, but if we wont be able to feed ourselves we would be dependent permanently on the climate of other countries and natural or political events. Today we are victims, because if something would happen in provider country we have to pay more. When we would have our own, even the situation gets worse in other countries nothing would threaten us and we could even benefit with this all. Today there are countries that benefit from price increase on agricultural products. They have a chance to plan everything ahead. We don't have to sell anything even if the world market opens for us tomorrow", the President of Georgia stated during his dialogue with hosts. Tabidze's family will participate in the new program of corn cultivation. They will pay the price of corn seeds during 7 months.

Mikheil Saakashvili spoke about the problem of employment as well and noted that a treaty was signed with Turkey several days ago, on the bases of which the massive construction of hydroelectric stations will start. This will create many jobs obviously. The President doesn't exclude a fact that there would even be a deficit of specialists.