The President of Georgia visited rehabilitated building of Kackreti vocational college




The President of Georgia, together with the Minister of Education and Sciences DymittriShashkin visited rehabilitated building of Kackreti vocational college, dorms, hotel and wine house. MikheilSaakashvili pored winehimself, sealed and left an autograph on the etiquette in one of the enterprises. The President of Georgia met the students and teachers of college and spoke with them about the issues of the development of our country. MikheilSaakashvili stressed his attention on the necessity of developing agricultural and economic spheres. He as well touched internal and external challenges that Georgia faces at this moment. The President believes that the development of private sector would resolve the problem of unemployment and called on students to start their own businesses. The school of rich traditions represents a vocational education facility of modern standards and technologies. Cadre of agriculture, tourism, construction and services will be trained at a school. 505 students will receive vocational education in this new type of college; among them 300 will stay in dorms for free. Kachreti College has partner companies as well that give a chance of employment to successful students. Special complex is stretched on seven hectares of land, besides of dorms and school, a car-repairing shop and wine hose located there. 42 teachers teach 250 students of various nationalities right now.