President of Georgia Congratulated New Year to Georgian Population


In a few minutes a New Year will step in. 2010 will turn into history.

This year was very special for our country; this was a return point in many respects.

The most important turnaround happened in our economy, we managed to overcome the most difficult stage of the crises and stand on the way of recovery. The problems are still huge, high prices and unemployment makes the lives of our population extremely difficult. But the flow of investments started over in our country after the period of crises. Now again (and maybe even more actively) capital is invested in the operation of new enterprises and new constructions. Accordingly, slowly, but new jobs are being created already.

 2010 was a return point year in regards of country's internal political processes. The order of our society was fulfilled and the dialogue changed the political rivalry. The epicenter of political events was brought to the Parliament Hall. First time it became possible to established civilized relations with leading opposition parties on the issues of defending country's interests. Last year made Georgian politics more transparent, the politicians started to do openly what they did in concealed way in the past. As a result our society was given a chance to make more objective decisions - and this is a very healthy process.

2010 was a very successful year in resects of foreign, political and diplomatic aspects. The will of our enemy to put Georgia into international isolation was ended with the final failure. On the contrary - international support was never so united and firm as it is today. If in 2009 the question marks still existed today among the leaders of world civilization Russian behavior is qualified as occupation and Georgia's territorial integrity has no other alternative. This is the beginning of the way that will by all means lead us to the de-occupation and final integration of our country as natural results of international policy history.  

Georgia has chosen local administration in every unoccupied region. Tbilisi held its first direct elections of City mayor. These elections were recognized by the world as our successful step towards democracy. And what's most important, the vote of each of you proved supports to the course that was defined by our society in 2003 by the Rose Revolution.  

Last year awarded us with many minutes that we could be proud of - when we observe the unimaginable success of out Georgian opera singers on every prestige stage around the world. We got unexpected and pleasant surprise from our soccer players by their series of no fiasco. Our rugby players traditionally justified our hopes and our basketball team opened a new page in the history of Georgia to participate in the final stage European championship. Short story written by Georgian author Zurab Lejava became a part of the best text of Europe on 2010. Tbilisi has defeated all cities competing with it and obtained the status of host of Youth Olympic Games.

2010 was an exceptional year with the new constructions. Construction is always a big joy, but this joy is especially felt when you oppose it with the devastating force. Not every nation can do this - we did it because of the special souls of our people, it is a result of our national cheerfulness and courage and aspiration towards better future. This is why it is not a merit or some Georgian businessmen's or state servant. This is nor the merit of the President. This is the common merit of our people and I want to express my gratitude to each of you. 

The bright examples of this development is new road of Gombori, that will make our economy rather mobile and the development of the life-quality of our people rather high. The mega project - Akhalkalaki new highway has historic importance not only in economic, but in political aspect as well. This highway gave a new firmness to our statehood that never existed before, but was so very important.  

The bright example of this development is the start of new five-star hotels construction and development of best tourism infrastructure in Anaklia sea resort and rehabilitation of Mestia that was isolated economically and physically because of none-existence of road. Mestia will become a world scale, miraculous tourism zone, with the most modern hotels, with the skiing infrastructure of highest standards, new airport and with the new connecting road, that got rehabilitated first time after so many years.

Anaklia and Mestia tourism zones will be unique worldwide, I say it without any exaggeration -because the guest could use their chances to ski on the slopes in Svaneti, where the mountains are permanently covered with snow and in several hours rest on subtropical sandy beaches. This new tourism zone will bring our country additional millions of income and will create thousands of jobs.

We must turn the point of turn started in 2010 in bigger success in 2011. We are expecting 6% of growth of our economy in 2011, what means more investments, better business environment, more development and more employed people. And what is more important is that our country continues the way to its modernization, the way that will lead us to more civilized, developed world and will turn us to its valuable members.

I want to wish the success to each of you in the upcoming year. I wish you happiness, health and love. I wish you peace and fair environment, where you will have a chance to realize your opportunities and where your talent and desires will be appreciated. I want to wish that all of us continue taking care of our country with the same efforts as we did in 2010. I wish al of us to make important steps forward towards the full-scale de-occupation of our country. I wish all of us to stand together and defend our country and continue our progress towards victorious Georgia.