The President of Georgia visited TBC Bank regional office in Kutaisi


The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited Kutaisi today, where he went around TBC regional office that is under construction. The main works in the building are already over, but after the bank starts functioning the business center will be located there as well.

"Kutaisi is not one of the most beautiful city of Georgia, but it is a very refined European city. I celebrated my birthday here together with my family and it was impossible even to dream of the atmosphere that I discovered there. Today we are opening renovated Opera House and Music Hall as well. 2011 in Georgian will be a year of Kutaisi - it means that new Parliament and Government buildings will be finished this year and new enterprises will open as well. It means numerous of new jobs, numerous of employed people and good perspectives for the youth. We are a small country that develops several good cities simultaneously. As a rule countries of the same size as our do not have a second big city. There are many places in Georgia where live runs, where there are cultural and history centers, where there is possibility to get education. Kutaisi is a very important center for Georgia, Caucasus and for the rest of Europe. This is a promise that I gave here. Some people believed that we would fulfill our promise - some didn't. Some do net even believe in anything even now - but all of this is being done in reality. I want also to tell you that it is not only that it is not a birthday of this building today, but it is a birthday of its founder Mamuka Khazaradze who just turned 44 years old. I have made a decision today and I want to declare that Mamuka Khazaradze will be awarded with the Presidential Order of Excellence - we give this order to people in very rare occasions", the President of Georgia noted.

TBC Bank building is twice bigger than Tbilisi historic head office. The total building is 11 thousand sq meters. Georgian architect David Gogichaishvili projected the building and the local population was employed at the construction site.