The President of Georgia visited recently completed facilities in Mestia


The President of Georgia opened an airport named after Queen Tamar today in Mestia. MikheilSaakashvili conducted the very first flight- he operated the plane himself.

"The pilot was sitting next to me in order to strengthen the operation of the plane in case of problems. But despite the lack of experience I covered this distance without any problems. It was difficult to find Mestia among these mountains. Mestia is closer than anybody can imagine in Georgia. It is a crown of Georgia like the whole Svaneti. I want to congratulate you on the opening of this new airport that is named after Queen Tamar. There are many places in Svaneti that are connected to her name and one more was added to those places - this new 21 century airport", the President of Georgia noted.

The new airport is located on 1400 meters above sea level, but despite this challenging relief it will provide secure flights. The  guarantor of security is the modern technical equipment that was installed together with European specialists. The airport has 120-meter long departure line and it will receive small size liners in any kind of weather. Canadian Air Company KennBoker Air will conduct Tbilisi-Mestia flights and the price of tickets will be 150 GEL. Airport has its own navigation system and completely new building. Famous German architect Myer fulfilled the project.

The President of Georgia opened skiing resort as well that is receiving first guests already. This place is located on 2500-meters above sea level and there is snow during every season of the year.

MikheilSaakashvili visited Khatsvali-Zurulda ski complex together with the government members and tested ski lift as well. The President required detailed information on the chances of winter tourism and development of skiing sport. Right now there are three skiing slopes there that can be used not only by skiing fans, but for conducting skiing competitions as well. First skiing slope is 1400-meter long; Italian company - Litner, built it. The President noted that this resort has big potential and we must use all resources in order to develop it.

MikheilSaakashvili visited multi profile hospital in Mestia as well. The first stage of its rehabilitation is over.

"No one came to an idea to arrange one traumatology center in Gudauri or Bakuriani until now. This was the major mistake. If somebody had an accident there in mountains, or even on the skiing slope - they didn't had x-ray or procedural room there. Damaged people were brought to Tbilisi by cars. Before the opening of this resort we had to rehabilitate this hospital. Population rate will rise here soon and we must provide them qualified medical service, like they have in Switzerland or Austria. I can tell you more - we can even develop medical tourism here.

It is possible to bring people in Georgia for medical treatment - like it is in luxury foreign resorts. In such places hospitals have commercial revenue, people of course will have insurance and will use this service", MikheilSaakashvili stated.

Traumatology and emergency sections are already rehabilitated and equipped with up to date equipment. In case of special need SUV ambulance vehicles will serve patients as well. Right now one part of the hospital is fully rehabilitated. A pharmacy is functioning here as well. The rehabilitation of multi profile hospital will be over by December 1 of next year. Maternity house, pediatric, ambulatory and dental sections will be rehabilitated on the second stage.