The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia held her traditional briefing


The Spokesperson for the President of Georgia Manana Manjgaladze started her weekly briefing with the economic issues discussed during the government session last week. She stressed her attention on economic issues, on the development of governmental plan that envisages fight against inflation and tasks given by the President of Georgia to the members of the government in these directions.

"The Government must prepare decisions in the nearest future that will defend every Georgian citizen at most (especially those who are in special need) from the heavy results of these processes. The Government must use all resources and levers to defend our citizens from the problems connected to the price increase all around the world and to make sure that these processes will be less painful for each of them. The President of Georgia gave certain timelines to the Government in these regards. In nearest two weeks the Government of Georgia will present above-mentioned plan. Besides this, the Government will continue its work in the direction on reduction of administrative expenditures and on the project of structural changes, that firs of all envisages decrease bureaucratic apparatus", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

The Spokesperson spoke about Mikheil Saakashvili's peace plan as well and added that the peace plan still remains unanswered from Russian Federation side, what was once again proved during 14th round.

"Their position is absolutely inadequate despite the fact that Georgia still continues its peace proposals and remains devoted to those initiatives that were declared by the President of Georgia in Strasbourg and Astana. Georgian side once again expressed its readiness to conduct full-scale dialogue on any issue. At the same time, it should be underlined that Russian side was provided by full and detailed information, also all the materials that concern terrorist attacks carried out in Georgia recently. I would like to repeat that our appeal towards Russian Federation still remains in power - to get involved in the process of investigation", Manana Manjgaladze stated.

One more important decision concerns to the simplification of visa regime.

"I would like to specify several aspects - what does visa regime simplification mean? First of all if we do political evaluation - this is the huge political support to our country. Democratic society declares trust to our country and people; the risk and threat of cooperation and partnership with Georgia is excluded. Visa regime simplification is an important benefit for our population. This process will support strengthening relations between people and deepening trade cooperation between the representatives of business circles. Besides this it is important that issuing process of students' visas will also get simpler. This process will become simpler for the representatives of scientific and academic circles, for medical personnel, journalists and those people, who have their family members in countriesmentioned above. It also means that the visa prices in regular passports will be reduced and the timelines will be established for consular staff for visa issuing and the reason must be proved in case of none issuance of visa" the Spokesperson noted.

As Manana Manjgaladze said this decision is a very important for our country, it is a huge benefit for our country and is a positive political indicator for the state.