President of Georgia Met Disabled Children



President of Georgia personally met disabled children today. 40 adolescents including disabled children from Abkhazia made a tour around the Presidential Palace and Museum. President presented them memory gifts and from their side they presented Mikheil Saakashvili souvenirs made by their own hands.      

President of Georgia spoke with the children, encouraged them and wished them success.   

"I meet here children of different age vey often. I want you to understand that this is not somebody's private house or only the Presidential Palace - this is the house of all of you and the palace of all of you. This is what belongs to whole Georgia the very place, where we have to decide the destiny of development of our country. Your teachers and relatives tell it you, but I want to tell you as well: I am absolutely sure that no physical problem can stop you from achieving success in your life. On the contrary, many talented people became successful because some problems crossed their path. Our country is like this - our country has many problems and world "diseases" really pressed it, but I often thought that the more problems appeared the stronger we became. This will make our country stronger and we will prove everybody that we can overcome all the obstacles. I want each of you to know that this is true. You can achieve much more than those, who never ever had any problem in their lives. I want you to know one thing - literally nothing is unachievable and undoable", - President of Georgia noted when speaking with the children.     

In connection with the International Day of Disabled People, this event was held by the initiative of the Club of America's Friends.