The world Leaders Continue supporting Georgia


Georgia's support in the addresses of world leaders is still actual on the second day of OSCE Summit in Astana. The issue of protracted conflicts and necessity o restoring OSCE observation mission on Georgian territory was pointed out in the official address of each speaker today.

The President of Turkey Abdullah Gul: In 1999 we have proved that OSCE is a very important organization in regards of conflict resolution within the region. Despite many efforts the issue of protracted conflicts remains unresolved. Turkey will participate in the resolution of Georgia's, Moldova and Azerbaijan's conflicts and it will be based on the honor of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of these countries.

Dalia GrybauskaitÄ—, President of the Republic of Lithuania: I think that we must focus our attention on the regional conflicts. I want to speak about protracted conflicts. We know that this is a very sensitive and painful issue. I think that our organization can resolve frozen conflicts in Georgia and Moldova. 

Ivo Josipovic, President of Croatia: Euro-Atlantic space that is stretched from Vancouver to Vladivostok is no more divided into blocks - this was caused by the confrontation of cold war. Though, in this period we witnessed the results of protracted conflicts in Georgia and Nagorny Karabakh that seriously shacked Europe's security.

Andrus Ansip, the Prime Minister of Estonia: The OSCE has been, is, and should remain at the forefront of conflict prevention and resolution, as well as democracy-building. We should stay focused on preparing conditions for the peaceful resolution of the conflicts in Georgia, Moldova and the Nagorno-Karabakh. People, who are suffering in these conflicts, need our action now -- not tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. Re-emphasizing the importance of respecting independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia, we stress the importance to implement full the 2008 August and September agreements. At the same time, wider access to the conflict zone must be ensured along with the safe and dignified return of refugees and internally displaced persons. Moreover, the international community should reiterate its demand to reinstate a meaningful OSCE presence in Georgia.

Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus: The world confronted a whole array of new challenges and threats; a fundamentally new geopolitical configuration emerged in Europe. But no matter what we talk about the significance of our work, today there is nothing to get credit for.

Stanislav Gruzinski, Polish Ambassador in OSCE: First of all OSCE must have will and tools in order to resolve conflicts. OSCE Mission return to Georgia is necessary for the resolution of protracted conflicts there. 

Kevin Rudd MP, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Australia: Being part of the OSCE gives Australia a broader appreciation of the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia. We join the World Bank in saluting Georgia's role as a leader in business transparency. We appreciate rapid growth of economy of Azerbaijan and its shares in region's energy issues.