World Leaders support MikheilSaakashvili's peace initiative


The necessity of Georgia's conflict resolution was one of the major issues in world leader's addresses at OSCE Summit. They positively evaluated MikheilSaakashvili's peace initiative and once again called on Russia to fulfill the ceasefire agreement. Everyone underlined the fact that it is necessary and very important to restore OSCE mission on whole Georgian territory. OSCE Secretary General Marc Perrin de Brichambautpositively evaluated MikheilSaakashvili's peace initiative and supported the fact that these issues to be reflected in the final document adopted in Astana. The Secretary of State Hilary Clinton stressed her attention on the importance of peace initiative. 

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: It isessential task to strengthen OSCE's role in preventing conflict from erupting or reigniting. There is no other regional organization as well positioned to do so. We can start with

Georgia, whose sovereignty and territorial integrity the United States strongly supports. It is regrettable that a participating state has proposed to host a mission and the OSCE has not been allowed to respond. We here at this table must let this organization do its job and restore a

meaningful OSCE presence to Georgia. We also call on all parties to fully respect and implement the August and September 2008 ceasefire arrangements. In this regard, we particularly welcome President Saakashvili's pledge not to use force unilaterally. And we hope

this pledge can help us break new diplomatic ground.

President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy: We support the restoration of OSCE Mission in Georgia, resolution of human rights, humanitarian, security and of those issues that are based on 2008 ceasefire agreement and respect towards Georgia's territorial integrity. I want to use this chance and welcome Georgia's initiative on none use of force.

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon: Our proposal is based on a fact that it is impossible to use 20th century methods in 21 century to defend security. We support Georgia's territorial integrity and call on sides to fulfill August 2008 ceasefire agreement. We welcome President of Georgia's brilliant initiative on none use of force and call on al sides to accept this proposal.

Prime Minister of Great Britain Nick Clegg:  The UK, like the vast majority of states represented here, unequivocally recognises Georgia's territorial integrity and sovereignty within its internationally-recognised borders.  

Russia must meet its ceasefire commitments and withdraw its troops from Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Re-establishing an OSCE Mission in Georgia is a matter of urgency, and we urge all parties to engage constructively at the Geneva talks.

President Saakashvili's announced willingness to make a non-use of force declaration is welcome. Let us hope this encourages all parties to commit to a resolution by peaceful means.

President of Romania Traian Basescu: Tragic events that happened in Georgia in 2008 unfortunately reminded us about failure that negatively influenced on OSCE image and credibility. The strategic aim of OSCE is conflict resolution by means of dialogue and cooperation. Ladies and Gentlemen, if we want to be successful within the process of conflict resolution, first of all, in regards of improving situation we must achieve success in Dniester, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and in whole Karabakh.Use of force is totally unacceptable.

Czech Republic Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg: Unfortunately it should be pointed out that we were unable to reach progress in regards of avoiding new and resolving protracted conflicts within the frames of OSCE. The fulfillment of ceasefire agreement should become a precondition of progress in respect of Georgia. The action plan should include steps that will be directed to restoring OSCE Mission on the territory of country.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte: We must take responsibility for common security and must do our best in order to resolve existing conflicts in Europe like Georgian, Moldavian and NagornyKarabakh.

Mr. Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sweden: We must renew our commitments to support international efforts to reach a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Georgia,including through the Geneva talks, to stabilize the security situation and address the humanitarian andHuman Rights issues and to restore a meaningful OSCE presence on the ground, in all of Georgia. We must give our firm and unequivocal support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia as recognized by international law. The recent public recommitment by Georgia not to use force to restore its territorial integrity and sovereignty, and the invitation to a political dialogue with the Russian Federation, has already been welcomed by many of the distinguished speakers here today, and I do too.

Angela Merkel, Federal Chancellor, Germany: I believe it should honestly be said as well that we experienced a serious crisis of confidence in August 2008 during the armed conflict between Georgia and Russia. We can be very pleased that the Corfu Process enabled us to overcome this and that we can say today - be it at the NATO-Russia summit in Lisbon, in connection with Russia's co-operation with the European Union or the co-operation here in this Organization - that confidence is gradually being restored. I believe that the partnership practiced in this Organization can be measured above all by the amount of mutual confidence we show. We are committed to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia. Efforts should therefore be continued, particularly in the Geneva talks, to strengthen security and improve the humanitarian and human rights situation. I am therefore very much in favor of the OSCE providing a visible presence again throughout Georgia.


President of Latvia - Valdis Zatlers: We were observing protracted conflicts until now and OSCE observers' participation is necessary in Georgia and Dnestria.  

Prime Minister of Italy - Silvio Berlusconi: Now, when the process of reloadingbetween Russia and the United States happens - there is a possibility in the region to start a dialogue on conflict resolution both in Central Asia and in Caucasus.