Visit of President of Georgia to Moldova is over


Visit of President of Georgia to Moldova is over. Mikheil Saakashvili made remarks to journalists at the airport before he left the country; he focused on the European future of Moldova and Georgia.  

"Countries that perform reforms and conform their legislation to the European standards shall join the European Union. I am sure in the European future for Moldova and Georgia. In addition, I was asked to thank you on behalf of those children who were in Georgia", - Mikhai Gimpu stated.      

"I would like to agree with the words of Mikhai Gimpu about the European future for Moldova and Georgia. Moldovans yet do not fully understand extent of the outlook they have. You are very intelligent people. Of course, there are many problems and social difficulties today and people more care about the present day, but I think that tomorrow is very promising and interesting for Moldovans. I am sure that more success you achieve on European integration and Trasnistria issues, more outlook my people will have. We are much more connected than many can think. Thank you for such a warm welcome. What about children, we will take them to Georgia again", the President of Georgia stated.     

Before leaving to airport Mikheil Saakashvili decorated the monument of Stephen the Great with garland.