The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili's address to Akhalkalaki population


My dear brothers and sisters, congratulations to you on this day!

I want to congratulate you on the fact of fulfilling our promise. It is a very happy day today and this day is considered to be a historic day for all Georgia. Three vital roads were constructed in Georgia during these recent epochs and centuries. First road was a military Georgian road; the aim of this road was destruction, enslavement and colonization of Georgian-Caucasian freedom. Second road was Roki tunnel; the mission and function of it was to cut Georgia's relations with the rest of the region during the centuries that we had since olden times. Historic ties that united various ethnic groups were damaged and destroyed as the result of this road. This is third, absolutely different road from Roki tunnel, because it will unite Georgia; this road will lead Georgia to the final victory.

Congratulations to you on the opening of this road, congratulations to you on this historic day!

There are big states that play different roles in Georgia.

One state constructed Roki tunnel and military Georgian road and another one helped us in the construction of this road. This means in construction of road that will strengthen, liberate and unite Georgia. Though this is help only. Liberation and uniting Georgia is something that all of us have to do together.

I travel intensively in various regions - soon we have 7th anniversary of Rose Revolution and I want to see with my own eyes what has changed in Georgia, what has improved, what is being done and what we have to do in future.

I have visited village Shamgona several days ago, I saw Abkhazia with my own eyes from there - our motherland, which we must liberate from dragon's clutches.

Sure, I am a son of Abkhazia!

I have visited a gorgeous gorge in Abashistskali, Mengrelia recently. In several kilometers from this gorge, between this and Nokalakevi gorges there is a place where my ancestors lived. My heart beats in a different way there.

Sure, I am a son of Mengrelia!

I have visited Kakheti yesterday, while standing on Alazani Valley, like every other Georgians I felt that I am a son of Kakhetia! 

But today I am in Javakheti and I want to speak about two residents of Javakheti - about Police Chief of Ninotsminda, Major Arsen Karapetian and Chief of Akhalkalaki Police, Colonel Samuel Petrosian.

These two residents of Javakheti, our blood and our soul, our citizens went on a business trip to France in 2008. They took this chance and brought their families together with them. The war has started in Georgia in meantime. They had no money for ticket-change, but they went to Armenian Diaspora in Paris and landed money for return. On August 8 they were already here in Akhalkalaki and Ninotsminda together with their families, defending their positions. You see who are the real patriots of Georgia. I want to render my honors to them and to every resident of Javakheti that stood with us and defended Georgia here - thank you very much brothers! This land is in Georgia only for one reason that during the World War 1 local Georgians and Armenians held each other's hands, took weapons and defended every sq meters of Javakheti region, not to appear beyond the boarders of our country as in case of other Georgian territories.

We will never forget the fact that we have maintained Javakheti together.

Same happened in past, present and will happen in future - we will strengthen and unite our Georgia together and will follow up to the end.    

The unity and strength of Georgia is not only in number of tanks, rockets or machineguns, or not even in economic growths (though economic growth is very important), but in our unity. Sure I am a son of Abkhazia, Mengrelia, Kakhetia, Kartli and the son of other regions, but I want to state proudly that together with my brothers Samuel Petrosian and Arsen Karapetian I an a son of Javakheti - son of Georgia, son of our united Georgia!

Congratulations to you on this day!

In behind you see Akhalkalaki road. This road, this railway will give jobs to five-six times more people that Russian military road.

This road will unite us with Europe. This train will lead us to London and it will take three days. This road will bring wealth, prosperity, education of our children, better healthcare and sure better future.

I have promised you four years ago to build this automobile road and this promise is fulfilled.

I have promised you two years ago to build this railway - we will finish it before my term of Presidency ends, because I am so grateful. You should stand strong, you are the most hardworking, favorable and reliable people here.

Thank you very much.

Forward to future victories!