President of Georgia Opened a Newly-built School in Shamgona


The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited a newly-opened school together with the Minister of Education and Science Dimitri Shashkin in village Shamgona, Zugdidi district. Old school had been functioning since 1919 and from this point it was useless for reconstruction. The school meets the demands of modern standards, the classrooms are equipped with school inventory, sport gym is well-organaized. The school has a library, modern science laboratory and IT room, which obtains 16 computers.  President Saakashvili awarded two students - Nukri Shonia and Mariam Shamugia  with Personal Computers. Nukri Shonia is a winner of the competition: " Russian aggression seen by my eyes" and Mariam Shamugia is the best student at school.


 "The students who had "2" stood in streets and tried to arrange sedition, while the others studied well and tried to gain much in their lives, in order to contribute for their country. You will be the best graduates to spite those who watch you from binoculars from the second side, you will come out the best out of this school, I am sure in it. Before we return back our houses we should surpass them with our brains."- the President claimed, while awarding the winner of the competition - Nukri Shonia.


In the framework of a program "Alumni", graduate in 1983 Jimsher Ghurtskaia, living in Germany, passed unique Physics laboratory to school. Through his financing a teacher of Physics will have a training in Germany, in order to share other teachers international experience. Today, the President also awarded the other teacher of Physics with the honorary order. She has already been working at school of Shamgoni for 10 years.


"We should manage the people like JimSher Ghurtskaia not to go in different place and to make them available to produce such installation in Georgia. We need technological Universities of high standards in order to prepare good engineers here. Each engineer needs 5-7 technicians. This requires the existence of  well-organized Technical Universities. We have such institutes and we should improve them in order not to go to the other place for elementary things. If a person grown up in Shamgona can do this in Germany, why can't do the same thing in Georgia? We should create corresponding conditions for it. We have begun doing this job and we have to bring it to the end."- Mikheil Saakashvili stated.


Village Shamgona is the only island between occupied territories of inside the rivers of Enguri and Rukhistskhali   that is controlled by Georgian side. Shamgona is neighboring Sida and Tagiloni - villages of Gali district. The President underlined the issue of Georgia-Russia relationship and stated, despite a big desire of the occupants this place should not be called a frontier.


"Here is an occupation line, where occupants are on Georgian territory. Those who say that are angry and because of that we should neither caught the spies, nor speak about dignity are erring. We should examine closely what is happening outside - each post-Soviet republic has problems with this country. It is not surprising that we have the most problems with them, because first of all, Georgians are very independent people among the other Soviet republics and  secondly, we have the most beautiful country. They want to own this beauty. This is an ordinary thing - it is their instinct.  It doesn't happen because they don't like Saakashvili, or they do not like our physical parameters or our politics, but because they want to go to the Sea and to own our beautiful country. How the relationship could get worse when you see occupied territories from the windows of the school. How the relationship could become tenser when they have occupied the best part of your country, including this village which is divided into two halves.  Now the only way is to improve the relationship, as the harm they have caused could not be more poignant." - Mikheil Saakashvili stated and added "Don't call it a frontier - this is a temporary occupation line. They want here to be a frontier, as their unscrupulousness is boundless. This frontier could not go through a nut orchard and through a beach. It is impossible by any civilized law."