The President of Georgia visited new penitentiary building


The President of Georgia visited new facility of condemned females in Rustavi. Mikheil Saakashvili got interested in prisoner's conditions and besides the prison he visited medical rooms, yard arranged with sidewalks, garden, tennis cords, volleyball and basketball squares as well. The President visited shop and dining hall as well. As the President noted the prisoners will have pretty good nourishment. He said that human rights are protected here, among them prisoners who are condemned for heavy crime against the society.

"When I and Gia Arsenishvili opened a prison nearby 12 years ago, the conditions then were not similar to these. Their family members fed prisoners then. The food of such a high quality might not be available for many families around Georgia. An issue of social justice might be raised here: a person, who killed someone, or sold drugs to the whole rayon, village or district is fed by the state? Is this fair? It is a serious question. In general everyone pities prisoners, but finally when your child is killed or abused - you look differently at things. Though our approach differs from post Soviet space sough - simply, you can create certain conditions for those people, who do not deserve it. People talk about the fact that prison contingent had significantly increased in Georgia. But if you look carefully you will notice how much the prison contingent increased, by fewer proportions have decreased the crime. This is why we have to think before we make such a noise. We are not pleased either to have so many prisoners. The state has to construct new prisons and many things needs to be done. Lets raise a question - do we want to let our children go out without having any fear? Do we want to be afraid when some family member is late? Do we want to lock our cars in iron granting and not to sleep all night having fear that someone would rob us? Do we want to be robed by some officials and corrupted people not to sit in prisons? Or we want these all? We need prisons, but the prisons like they have in civilized countries. We have created a system round the Penitentiary Department and Ministry. They used to say that we would never be able to defeat thieves; so much was said about us; but today all experts admit that our system is the best within the frames of post Soviet space with its discipline, non-corruptions and sufficient conditions, among them is nutrition", the President of Georgia stated.

Great attention will be focused on health conditions of prisoners. Various medical rooms are arranged here, gynecological and dentist rooms, laboratories of various profiles. Separate back wing was constructed for the prisoners suffering with chronicle TB. There is a separate wing for those prisoners, who have infants. There are all necessary conditions for children and prisoners will have a chance to raise their children up to 4 years. The new prison will get into exploitation in the nearest future. 1200 prisoners will be accommodated in the new prison. The building consisting of several blocks are fully sufficient to European standards. A library will open in the nearest future by financial support of Norwegian government. Special factory will open here as well in order the prisoners to attain various professions. They will be employed in this industrial units and paid salaries as well. Members of the clergy visited the prison with the President of Georgia and the Minister of Penitentiary and Probation as well. PMs and the representatives of public board of ministry visited the building as well.