The President of Georgia congratulated the President of the Republic of Chile with the successful completion of the rescue operation of helping out the miners


Your Excellency, I am honored to congratulate you on behalf of the Government of Georgia, the Georgian people and personally me with the successful completion of the rescue operation of helping out the 33 miners after 69 nine days of expectation.   

I want to note the most important role you played in the completion of this historic operation that saved the miners' their lives. This achievement fills with pride and joy all the people of Chile. Unanimity of the people of Chile facing this challenge is exemplary for the whole World.    

The Georgian people observed the processes of rescue operation from the very first day and now on this historic day we share the joy of the miners their families and the people of Chile.  


With deep respect,       

                                                                                                                                           Mikheil Saakashvili  


His Excellency Miguel Juan Sebastian Pinera Echenique 

The President of the Republic of Chile
