The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakasvhili Visited the Ongoing Reconstruction Works Near Svetitskhoveli Cathedral Territory



The President of Georgia visited the ongoing reconstruction works near Svetitskhoveli Cathedral and reconstructed streets in Mtskheta. He met the local population and held the conversation with them as well. 100 houses were fully reconstructed near Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. Twelve of those houses came fully apart and constructed from the beginning - eight streets were constructed as well - two central and six small and one six-kilometer road way. The end of reconstruction works is planned by October 14.

"They say that the President cares only for Sighnaghi, then they said he annoyed us with his Batumi, then Anaklia, Mestia and Mtskheta turned out to be his favourites. So what - it turns out that these territories represent the whole Georgia besides the occupied territories at this stage. Now we are preparing for the occupied part of Georgia", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

Mikheil Saakashvili stated during his dialogue with the local population that trading rows will open near Svetitskhoveli Cathedral. This will be a small market, where the patterns of Georgian culture would be exhibit. The parking and several cafés will be arranged at the same territory as well. Mikheil Saakashvili noted that the Governement will help Mtskheta population to get finances from banks in order to open hotels and small businesses. "I am sure that it will be possible to increase your incomes after these works are finished. It will be good to open cafes and hotels here. We are going to ask the banks to issues finances for you in this regard", Mikheil Saakashvili stated. The President expressed his satisfaction on the fact that the roadway is being arranged from those stones that remained after the construction of the President's Palace. "It is very important that we are arranging this roadway from the material that remained after the construction of the President's Palace", Mikheil Saakashvili said. The population thanked the President for the ongoing reconstruction works and for repairing their houses in Mtkheta.