Mikheil Saakashvili and Bernard Kouchner held a joint press conference




Today after President Saakashvili and Bernard Kouchner's tête-à-tête meeting a joint press conference was held. At this press conference the main messages of official Paris became known. Bernard Kouchner spoke about those obligations that were initiated by France two years ago. According to Mikheil Saakashvili's statement the principal support of France is utmost important for Georgia. Bernard Kouchener on his side, pointed out that France and EU support territorial integrity of Georgia.

"These are Georgian regions and must return to Georgia. This very agreement was signed. In spite of the fact that EU countries liked the agreement initiated by France there still remain some points, which are not fulfilled. I continue to work on this issue. The Russian troops must withdraw from the occupied territories and return to the initial position. Each of us must try to move forward in the personal competency. We try to reach best in the Geneva format. We do it apart from these negotiations. Russians recognized the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, but only two countries took after Russia. In this context it is necessary to continue pressure in order to make Russia fulfill to the end the six-point agreement. I can say the word "occupation", but it is important that they leave these territories. Of course I can use the word "occupation", but I do not consider that the problem can be regulated in this way", Bernard Couchner stated at the press conference.

On his side Mikheil Saakashvili also paid attention to the terms and pointed out it's very important for Georgia, at least from the point of view of moral. "The Russian troops are here and they try to remain on our soil. They have carried out ethnic cleansing. How can it all be called? We cannot call it military tourism on Abkhazian seaside. In spite of the fact that International Aviation Organization do not give them a separate code, this doesn't mean anything for Russia. They say that they will bring tourists in military aircrafts, this means that the tickets they will issue for Russian tourists will be issued by the Ministry of Defense of Russia. These terms are very important for us. They have moral importance for us, especially for those people, who were made to leave their homes. We are open and we welcome Russian tourists, many of them have come to Adjara, but this definition and this term is really rather important", Mikheil Saakashvili stated. As Bernard Kouchner noted France is a main guarantor of the six-point agreement and official Paris together with EU, will continue pressure on Russia in future. Together with starting associative agreement negotiations France will be the main lobby for Georgia to be integrated into EU structures. "Despite problems we must reach our aim. Russia will not decide who will be the member of EU. There are 27 members and 600 million people in EU. An idea belonging to Sarkozy - to create a new zone round EU is good. It is true that we wish to have friendly relations with Russia, that's why peace should be the major factor. We must forget war. We are glad to help Georgia in the negotiations regarding Georgia's associated membership in EU", Bernard Kouchner stated.

"Eastern partnership is the way for political and economic integration and this will absolutely move in the direction of becoming closer to EU. Talks about EU membership have not yet ripen - we do not exactly know what EU will be in several decades, or even in several years. Today we must speak about creating a concrete structure, CIS is practically demoralized and doesn't function. I wish it very much to cut embargo on wine. For example they have done it for Moldova, but as soon as their President said something they didn't like the embargo appeared again. It will be the same for Georgia and we won't be able to get anything", the President of Georgia stated. On July 15 Bernard Kouchner left Tbilisi.