The United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton paid a one-day visit to Georgia


The United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton paid a one-day visit to Georgia. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Grigol Vashadze, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Giga Bokeria, the Ambassador of the United States to Georgia John Bass and the Ambassador of Georgia to the United States Batu Kutelia welcomed Hillary Clinton at Tbilisi airport. Richard L. Morningstar the Special Envoy of the United States Secretary of State for Eurasian Energy and Philip Gordon arrived in Georgia with the Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton went to the National Library from the airport; there a meeting with Georgian women leaders was held. Hillary Clinton expressed her gratitude towards the First Lady of Georgia Sandra Roelofs, the participants of the meeting for their work. As she noted Sandra Roelofes' activities in the health sphere is very important. "I was the First Lady and I know what kind of work it is. Your activities are very important. I appreciate what you do in health sphere for defending women's rights", this is how Hillary Clinton addressed the First lady of Georgia. Hillary Clinton pointed out that Georgia has a very long history that counts centuries and she believes that this country has a potential to be beacon of democracy. "The country was in tough conditions before Rose Revolution. Since then important steps have been taken. We know that Georgia faces big problems today, the country is occupied and in future mutual efforts must be realized", stated the Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton noted that women had instrumental importance in the existence of the state. "I honor greatly King Tamar, who was a Monarch long ago. She ruled Georgia in Golden Era and you can create a Golden Era in the 21 century in Georgia. You will have to work very hard and you will have to fight for democracy. The love to your country and hope in future must make you do it", Hillary Clinton stated. She called on women leaders to fight for justice, for human rights and the unity of the country. "The United States stands with you, we will continue to support Georgia in democracy and rule of law. The results are good, but there are many problems as well, which are mostly caused by human weaknesses. You have to work in this direction as well and achieve results", Hillary Clinton stated.