President Saakashvili comments on ongoing issues in Georgia


President Mikheil Saakashvili commented on the detention of the President of Georgian Football Federation, Merab Zhordania, and said that the Prosecutor's Office and the court were to decide on the issue.

"I want to establish a system in which everyone will be equally and fairly treated in the face of law", the President said adding that it was high time for people to put with the idea that no one is "untouchable" and everyone is equal in the face of law, while emphasizing that he would not meddle in criminal cases.

President Saakashvili also commented on the meeting of the President of Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, and the Presidents of de-facto Republics in Sochi.

"We are ready for an open dialogue. The only thing we want is a fair peace," the President said stressing that he would meet with Sergey Bagapsh and Vladimir Kokoity only in Tbilisi and did not plan to visit Sochi.

President Saakashvili also commented on roads building in Georgia emphasizing that all these works were not associated with the upcoming visit of President Bush to Georgia.

"Everyone should now that I fulfill my promises," the President said adding that it was impossible to fully improve infrastructure in Georgia in the near future, but reconstruction of roads and repairing facades of the buildings were quite possible before the end of his presidential term.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia