President Saakashvili opens flour mill plant in Kachreti


Today President Mikheil Saakashvili visited Kachreti, in Kakheti region and opened a flour mill plant there which will process over 250 tons of wheat every day. 
In an interview with the journalists President Saakashvili commented on the yesterday's statement of President Putin saying that as soon the country started to develop rapidly after many years of living in hardship and overcame similar problems, certain alien people have decided to create problems to Georgia. 

"We are not rich in gas or oil, but we have independence. No-one will make us lose our restored dignity," President Saakashvili said. 

President Saakashvili also commented on an incident which occurred between the Georgians and Russian peace keepers in Shida Kartli stressing that he is ready to undertake all possible steps to protect the interests of the country but he is not going to undertake any impulsive, extremely radical measures, which might harm Georgia.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia