President Saakashvili opens strategy session on the Future of the Community of Democratic Choice


Today, at the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (GFSIS), President Mikheil Saakashvili opened an international strategy session, "Strategy Session on the Future of the Community of Democratic Choice" (CDC), with the participation of international guests such as Matthew Bryza, United States Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasia Affairs, as well as many other prominent international leaders and the Georgian diplomatic corps. The parties discussed the development of democratic principles and international cooperation with an eye to the possibilities open to the CDC. Georgia's ongoing political and economic processes, issues of energy security and EU integration were also discussed at the session. 
According to President Saakashvili, Georgia for the last few years has become a venue for international cooperation and exchange. He stressed that Georgia is no longer an isolated country and that democratic processes are taking place in it without any obstruction. However, the President also underlined that certain forces are trying to discredit Georgia in the eyes of the international community. "A real ideological war is being waged against Georgia. Very influential, rich and important forces are engaged in discrediting Georgia and in portraying it as an unstable, dangerous, unreliable, uncivilized and non-European country. We are a European, cultural, and highly civilized country with great future. Every visit of a European, an American or any other of Georgia's well-wishers to our country spoils the plans of those people who want to portray Georgia in a bad light. Georgia is no longer an isolated country. This is a country where more and more professional people are coming," President Saakashvili said. 

President Saakashvili recalled his meeting with Ukraine President Victor Yushchenko in Borjomi and hailed it as the first step towards forming the Community of Democratic Choice. "The Borjomi Declaration is gaining momentum. Georgian and Ukrainian initiative is becoming more and more important. Arrival in Georgia of the many experts here today is a demonstration that we are preparing a broader format for this organization. Georgia has become one of the main players in international politics," President Saakashvili said.


Communications Office
of the President of Georgia