President Saakashvili comments on Georgian-Russian relations


Today President Mikheil Saakashvili made a comment on the Georgian-Russian relationship and said that the Georgians should show strength rather that weakness to those people who want to see frightened Georgia, adding that this should be a goal of not only the Georgian government but of all the Georgian people. 
"The Georgians have vividly showed Russia that they are not afraid of blackmail. We want to have good-neighborly and equal relations with Russia. I have just arrived from Lithuania which went through this in 1990s. Nowadays, Georgia pursues this path. Lithuania had experienced a similar pressure from Russia, but today it lives 3-4 times better than Russia. The Lithuanian people withstood it, got united and have achieved a success. It is much easier for us to overcome the hardships because we have already created certain economic basis. Russia will never be able to talk with the same language with Lithuania. Such kinds of pressures make all the ambitious nations more consolidated and more firm. Not a single Russian politician should ever doubt that Georgia is not an ambitious nation. It is much easier to start a dialogue with such a nation based on friendship and Georgia has never said no to this," President Saakashvili said.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia