Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili opens a hazelnut processing plant in Zugdidi


Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili spoke today at the opening of a hazelnut processing plant in the western Georgia town of Zugdidi. 
"The opening of this world-class factory here in Georgia means the creation of hundreds of new jobs. More than 10m dollars were invested in this facility. The same group that built this factory is also to invest 11m dollars in the construction of a lumber mill in the near future. In the coming years we plan to build an oil refinery and develop the ports and other infrastructure in the Samegrelo region alone. We expect 100m dollars in investment in the next year alone. This means thousands of our citizens will be put to work. This is the success we had been dreaming of.

"Today we have opened a factory built to European standards, yesterday we opened an airport built to European standards and in the future we will open many other such modern facilities. This is a success for all of us in Georgia. 

"All of this has been made possible by democracy and the lack of corruption. This is borne out by the fact that so many companies have decided to build facilities here, in one of Georgia's most depressed regions. 

"The rose revolution began in this region and post-rose revolution development began here. The real revolution is happening today, with the construction of factories like this. This is why the people took to the streets [during the rose revolution in November 2003]. This is what will lead Georgia to its ultimate reunification: the strength of those patriots who have faith that we will return what is ours. 

"I want to congratulate you all - this factory was built by true patriots.

"Our opponents talk day and night about the fact that we are building fountains and repainting building facades. Some people notice the fountains and amusement parks, while others notice the factories, highways, airports, railways, schools and hospitals. 

"I congratulate you on this day and wish you success!"


Press Office
of the President of Georgia