Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili visits the Senaki military base


Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili today visited the Senaki military base, in western Georgia, where he attended the presentation of a new incentive programme aimed at creating an elite officer corps in the nation's armed forces. 
The programme envisages an officer corps composed of university graduates and students. Graduates will receive a one-off financial bonus, while current students will be awarded a large stipend. Those taking part in the programme will undergo special training courses at the Defence Ministry's National Military Academy and then sign service contracts. The elite officers will have high salaries and after four years of service in the armed forces, they will be provided with free permanent housing. They will also have access to long-term low-interest loans from commercial banks.

Saakashvili toured newly refurbished residential buildings on the premises of the Senaki base which will be home to some 200 soldiers and their families. The president ordered Defence Minister Davit Kezerashvili to build similar housing at the base currently under construction in Gori. 

The president also delivered a speech at the presentation.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia