President Saakashvili meets Russian President Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg


Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili today arrived in St Petersburg to attend an informal summit of CIS heads of state and a world economic forum. Within the framework of the visit he met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin at Constantine Palace today. The meeting took place behind closed doors and lasted longer than had originally been planned. The presidents spoke to journalists before the meeting.

Putin welcomed the Georgian president's participation in the world economic forum and said he was glad to have the opportunity to discuss the settlement of Georgia's separatist conflicts, the existing problems in Russian-Georgian relations and prospects for future cooperation at his meeting with Saakashvili.

"I am glad you have come. I hope that during the next two days our work will be interesting and beneficial. I will repeat what I told the president of Tajikistan. We will have very many guests at the economic forum. We are expecting representatives of various companies from South America, Europe and Asia. Large delegations have already arrived from China and other Asian countries.

"The Russian organizers of this forum have done all they could to ensure that these meetings are beneficial and interesting. I hope they will be fruitful for our Georgian colleagues as well and that they will find partners not only from among Russian business circles, but also from among our foreign guests. I believe this is a good environment for all post-Soviet states to get a comprehensive view of each other's capabilities. Welcome to the Russian Federation!" Putin said, adding: "We have always respected the principle of countries' territorial integrity. This is one of our state's most important principles.

President Saakashvili emphasized the need to hold dialogue with Russia in order to ensure a warming in relations with that country.

"I am glad that we are holding this meeting. I believe that there are many interesting issues, including some of pressing importance, that have accumulated in our relations which we need to discuss. We have been paying close attention to your speeches at the G8 summit and at previous summits. Georgia is not only ready to hold a dialogue with Russia, it must do so. Our countries should not only have normal relations, we should have friendly and close relations. This is the main strategic principle in our approach to relations with Russia. Good and friendly relations must be based on the principles of territorial integrity and due consideration of each other's interests. I am sure that there are many issues in which we can make decisions and reach agreement," Saakashvili said.

The Georgian president will attend a meeting of the Council of CIS Heads of State on 10 June.

Saakashvili also plans to meet Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow on the fringes of the summit.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia