President Saakashvili attends church services marking the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary


Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili today attended services at Tbilisi's Sioni Church marking the Feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. After the liturgy, the president addressed the gathered worshippers.

"The Virgin Mary has always protected Georgia in the most crucial moments. This was the case during the bloodless Rose Revolution in Tbilisi in 2003, something which would have ended in civil war and bloodshed practically anywhere else. We felt this when the same was happening in Ajaria on the Feast of St George [ouster of regional leader Aslan Abashidze in May 2004]. We felt this when the US president paid a visit to our country and had a hand grenade thrown at him, but it did not explode. A short time ago there was an attempt to blow up our defence system. The most modern, most refined type of missile was used, but at the last second this missile somehow did not explode. And other things have happened as well which confirm that there is a miraculous force protecting Georgia. As His Holiness [Patriarch Ilia II] said, we need this protection and we need internal spiritual strength.

"We must unite Georgia through rebuilding it. We all must build up our country through building the state and the army, building churches, roads, skyscrapers, schools and hospitals. We are counting on each and every one of you as we strive towards this goal and, of course, we have faith that the Virgin Mary will look over us. I thank each and every one of you and I thank the His Holiness and Beatitude, the Patriarch of All Georgia Ilia II," Saakashvili said.

The president also noted that the upcoming 30th anniversary of His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia II's enthronement as patriarch should be marked with great pomp. The president wished the patriarch good health and courage

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia