President Saakashvili visits South Ossetia


On 30 August Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili visited South Ossetia. He inspected ongoing construction works in the village of Tamarasheni and opened a new park there. He also met the head of the temporary administration for South Ossetia, Dmitriy Sanakoyev, and recalled childhood memories at the new park.

Saakashvili addressed the threat issued by separatist leader Eduard Kokoyty that South Ossetian children who went on holiday in Ajaria would not be allowed to attend school. "The problem is not what Kokoyev [Kokoyty] says, the problem is with those people who sent this bandit to Tskhinvali to torment people and who continue to support him and his criminal authorities to this day. Little by little the area in which they conduct their raids is narrowing and their prospects are looking dimmer with each passing day. The matter here concerns children; I believe that we are dealing with a horrible demagogue here."

After meeting local children, the Georgian president promised their teachers increased pay. "From next year teachers' vouchers will be increased by 200 lari; in the territory controlled by the temporary administration for South Ossetia, this sum will be increased in one month's time," Saakashvili said.

The president also promised the local population that a new sports hall would be opened in the area soon.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia