Zurab Noghaideli resigns, new Prime Minister nominated


Today Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli has resigned due to his health concerns. In his address president Mikheil Saakashvili announced that former General Director of the Bank of Georgia Lado Gurgenidze has been nominated for the position of Prime Minister. The president expressed his hope that the Parliament will quickly confirm the nomination.

The President also evaluated Mr. Noghaideli's activities as successful saying that the implementation of the reforms must be accelerated, which requires much effort. The President instructed the nominee to provide stage-by-stage, two-fold increase in pensions, significant increase of teachers' salaries and an increase in social assistance, as well as an increase of scales of employment programs. According to President Saakashvili, Lado Gurgenidze is the very person who should deliver the results of the implemented reforms to the public.

"It is very important for our reforms to become more vigorous and to accelerate building and developing our country," the President said adding that our ill-wishers will never see battered and retreated Georgia.

"Our reforms will be accelerated, because many people are looking at us with hope. Big forces are interested in turning Georgia's successful democratic experiment into a failed one. No one will ever see this. We have shown this to the world and we will continue to do so in the future. We have gained a new Prime Minister, which means gaining new force, new energy and serious stimulus. Lado Gurgenidze is one of the most successful modern Georgian businessmen, with western education and extensive work experience in the United States, London, and other countries, who managed to invigorate Georgia's dead banking sector. He was the first one who brought out the Georgian stocks into the London's stock exchange," the President said stressing that today Georgia needs such successful managers and experienced people.

Lado Gurgenidze himself stated that after the Parliament declares confidence to his nomination, bigger focus will be made on social and employment programs. As his major task he deems the establishment of tight links between the society, business and foreign investors that are the basis for the country's economic strength.

According to the Georgian constitution the termination of the Prime Minister's authority automatically causes the termination of the authority of the members of Government. The President imposes the members of Government the responsibility to fulfill their obligations until the new cabinet is approved.

Within a term of seven days after the termination, the President holds consultations with the parliamentary fractions after which the candidate for the position of Prime Minister is selected. The candidate for the position of Prime Minister by the consent of the President will select the candidates for the Government within a term of ten days. Three days later after this procedure is over the President submits the composition of the Government to the Parliament for confidence. During one week the Parliament shall consider and vote the issue of declaration of confidence to the composition of the Government and the Governmental program. The members of the Government shall be appointed within a term of three days from the declaration of confidence.

The President of Georgia appoints the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister, by the consent of the President, appoints the members of the Government.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia