Acting president Burjanadze meets Agrarian University professors and students


"I would like to congratulate you on St. Barbara's day and wish you and, the population of whole Georgia, a happy future, peace and success!" addressed Nino Burjanadze professors, lecturers and students of the Agrarian University .

At the meeting, Georgia 's acting president Nino Burjanadze, talked about the latest developments in Georgia and expressed hope that a peaceful political environment will be established in Georgia once and for all and its citizens, no matter who will be in the government, will have a strong feeling that the launched reforms and the political course will continue.

Georgia-Russian relations were also discussed at the meeting. Nino Burjanadze underscored that a strained political environment in Georgia had been notable for one more reason - a possible recognition of Kosovo's independence in December of 2007. As Russia had reiterated several times, if Kosovo's independence was recognized, it would recognize Abkhazia's and South Ossetia's independence. She said that Georgia will naturally have acute response to this fact.

Nino Burjanadze particularly underlined that no one favored war in the country, although the Georgian government would use every international legal mechanism to preserve territorial integrity. "We want to have equal, friendly relations with Russia, however this won't be achieved on the expense of Georgian national interests," said the acting president.

Upcoming presidential elections had also been discussed at the meeting. Nino Burjanadze talked about the necessity of holding the democratic elections and stressed her initiative in this effort. She elaborated on the functioning of the Inter-Agency Task Force and the importance of inviting international observers.

"It is very important to make a step, after which we will say one and for all that the country has irreversibly embarked on the path of democratic development. I promise that I will make every effort to hold transparent elections in a peaceful environment, to ensure that none of you had a feeling that he or she had been cheated and his or her choice had not been considered," she said.

Issues related to the education reform, the rehabilitation of the university and students' employment had been discussed at the meeting with professors and lecturers.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia