The Session of the Government was held in Akaki Tsereteli Kutaisi State University


The President of Georgia opened the session, where all the Ministers of the country, all Governors, also all Mayors and chiefs of local administrations, and Chiefs of City Councils were presented. "This is our first session held in this format. We are in the process of forming the informal state council and every month with each of you we will have meetings, and these meetings are intended to make sure that the President of Georgia and the Government are in permanent contact and are holding its hand on the pulse of every single region in Georgia. We all have to work jointly on our programs - Georgia Without Poverty and Village Revitalization Programs. We have to work together on these program issues that unites all of us. We have to understand that Georgia is not in a trouble-free situation right now, we have problems concerning our territorial integrity, and as we all know this could cause damage to the economic development of our country. The economic conjuncture of the whole world is not good. The prices increased on fuel, and due to this factor - on other agricultural products. The only way to solve these problems, is the real income of our citizens. To increase social aid, coming from better administration of taxes, also the development of economy. Considering the factor that the prices are increasing on world market, its very important that Georgia is the producer of agricultural products. This is why our program - "One Hundred Industrial Plants of Agricultural Processing" - gives us ability to use this conjuncture on the world market, to increase incomes in Georgia and this way our country will benefit. On the other hand, the countries that are producing fuel are the main investors in Georgia, if the stable atmosphere will remain in Georgia, and if we create better conditions, these countries, which are well known with their superfluous income, will invest in our country's infrastructure and development. There is an economic storm going on around the world. We have to study and not drown but ride the wave, go higher and develop" - stated the President of Georgia.

The projects of development of regions were discussed on today's session mostly. Mikheil Saakashvili talked about every specific program existing in regions, he asked specific questions and received sufficient answers.

The President of Georgia got interested with the process of distributing diesel fuel and fertilizer, he said that the distribution of diesel fuel and fertilizer are connected with budget changes and these procedures have to end before March 15. The population will receive coupons and they will have possibility to get fuel on the nearest gas stations. The Minister of Refugees and Resettlement Koba Subeliani will stay with the refugees in Kutaisi for two or three days. He received this task from the President of Georgia on today's session. Due to the statement made by the President of Georgia the refugees that live in Kutaisi have extremely serious problems. "You have to determine the problems of the refugees, to make their lives easier before they return to their houses" - stated the President of Georgia.

The President of Georgia talked about the program on village libraries- "The tremendously clever people live in our villages, they have no access to the information, I ask you to provide every new book and all materials for these people" - stated the President of Georgia.

The President of Georgia focused his attention on the problems existing on water, natural gas, energy, roofs and elevators in the regions of Georgia. The President of Georgia signed the letter of request of the Gardabani municipality city council. On the basis of this document on the territory of the Gardabani region new village - Poladaant Kari - will be developed. "You have to be concerned and make sure that there will be a school, kindergarten, police, Public Register and the health units. We have to execute our "Village Revitalization Program" on the example of Poladaant Kari" - stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

The President has announced about one more program - one investor is interested with the construction of Timber Processing Factory in Tsalenjikha region village Jvari. "It is very important to stimulate the employment in region" - stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

According to Mikheil Saakashvili's statement the Government plans to bring 2000 tractors in country, because, there are some serious problems about the distribution of tractors in regions.

"I do not want anyone to have the sense of injustice, the sense that we distributed tractors before the elections, told them that these tractors are yours, and now these tractors became the belonging of some government officials - stated the President of Georgia.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia